- makes egg and sperm
- 23 chromosomes
- 4 cells (n)
- 2 cells
- function: tissue growth and repair
- 2 cells
- 46 chromosomes
- RNA polymerase binds to DNA, seperating the strands
- 1 strand is used as a template from which nucleotides are assembled into a strand of DNA
- triplet condons
- nucleic acid language is translated into the language of proteins (amino acid sequence)
- mRNA is decoded into a polypeptide chain
- both tRNA and mRNA and rRNA
molecules that carry copies of therse intructions for he genes to assemble into amino acids
transfers each amino acid to the ribosome as it is specified by coded messages in mRNA
- DNA molecule seperates into 2 strands, then produces two new complementary strands following the rules of base pairing
- enzymes unzip the DNA
what is differentiation
- when certain cells become specialized
- efficent in doing only some things well
gives rise to the muscles and initial organs
gives rise to the glands and musosae
gives rise to skin and nervous system
epitheleal tissue
- lines orans internally and externally
- protects, allows absorption, filtration, secretion
characteristics of epitheleal tissue
- packed in
- no blood supply
- exposed surface (internally or externally)
types of epitheleal tissue:
celluar arrangements
- simple-1 layer
- stratified--more than 1 layer
- pseudo--messy layers
skeletal muscle
- long and thin
- striated (lines)
- multi nucleated
- voluntary--we choose to move
- intercollated disc--allows electrical impulses to flow
- striated
- involuntary
- visceral
- spindle shaped
- non-striated
- single-nuclei
- gastro
- good blood supply
- thats why red
purpose of connective tissue
to help and support tissues
connective tissue
- scattered cells within the matrix
- hard , solid tissue to watery tisse
- most matrices are made of protein
- little blood supply
classifcation of connective tissue:
- fibrous connective tissue
- made of protein
- not elastic
connects bone to bone
- bone to ligament
- heal slower than bone
adipose tissue purpose
- insulate
- protect
- breast
- hormonal balance
hyaline cartilage (connective tissue)
- flexible but maintains shape
- matrix: solid but flexible
- buffer between bones to absord impact
- forms framework
- found in bones, ribs, larynx
osseos connective tissue
- bones living tissue
- matrix of the bone is calcium mineral and protein
Haversian system
orderly cell pattern (like in the bone)
blood tissue
- liquid tissue
- matrix: plasma
- white, red, platelets