flash-cards-00000746198 (1).txt

  1. Serotonin affects what?"


    • Sex
    • "
  2. Acetylcholine is involved in what? "

    voluntary movement


  3. Dopamine is involved in what? "



  4. What is STEP? "

    Systematic Training in Effective Parenting

    • -Natural consequences

    • -Goals of child's bx

  5. What is the Zeigarnik effect? people will remember unfinished tasks better than finished ones
  6. What is the preoperational child? "

    age 2-7

    • ego centric

    • intuitive thought

    • uses symbolic activity

  7. what is response cost? "

    when someone losses something for misbehavior


  8. what is preconventional morality? "

    kohlberg's first level

    • avoid punishment / get rewards


    • substages are:

    • punishment-obedience

    • instrumental hedonism

  9. What is conventional morality? "

    kolhlberg's 2nd stage

    • social approval


    • substages:

    • good boy/ good girl

    • law and order

  10. what is postconventional morality? "

    kohlberg's 3rd stage



    • stages:

    • morality of contract

    • right and laws

    • morality of conscience

  11. what are sue & sue's stages of acculturation? "

    1-conformity (prefers dominant culture)

    • 2-Dissonance (question dominant culture)

    • 3-Resistance & Immersion (reject majority culture)

    • 4-Integrative Acceptance (accept both cultures)

  12. what is retrograde amnesia? loss of memory of events before trauma
  13. what is anterograde amnesia? loss of memory of events occurring after trauma
  14. what is Kluver-Bucy Syndrome? "

    lesions in amygdala

    • (in limbic system-temporal lobe)

    • placidity

    • apathy
  15. what is job enrichment? "

    giving employee more responsibility & involvement


    • increases satisfaction and performance

  16. what are the stages of group therapy? "

    1-hesitant participation

    search for meaning
  17. what is crystallized intelligence? "

    gained through experience


    • (WAIS) vocabulary

    • information
  18. what is fluid intelligence? "

    problem solving and organization of intelligence


    • (WAIS) picture arrangement

    • digit symbol
  19. what are the Pariental lobes responsible for? "

    somatosensory information:

    • touch

    • pain
  20. what is DRO? "

    Differential reinforcement for other behaviors


    • ex. child is ignored when whining

    • and praised when polite

  21. what is job enlargement? "

    increasing variety of tasks


    • increases satisfaction

    • not performance

  22. what is the right hemisphere responsible for? perceptual
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flash-cards-00000746198 (1).txt
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