
  1. Common Inhibitors of Iron
    • Can- Cimetazine
    • Instantly - Isoniazid
    • Kill - Ketoconazole
  2. Common Inducers of Iron
    • Please - Phenytoin
    • Remember - Rifampin
    • Give - Griseofulvin
    • Bigger - Barbiturates
    • Concentrations- Carbenazepine
  3. Food and Drugs reducing iron absorption
    • Antacids
    • Tums
    • Maalox
    • Mylanta
    • H2- antagonist
    • PPI's
  4. Inhibitors of Iron Absorption
    • Polyphenol (vegetables)
    • Tannins (tea)
    • Phytate ( bran, cereal)
    • Calcium ( dairy)
  5. Drugs increasing iron absorption
    Vitamin C
  6. Drugs with decreased absorption when taken with iron
    • Levodopa
    • Methyldopa
    • Penicillamine
    • Quinolones
    • Tetracyline
  7. Ferrous Sulfate dose
    325mg po tid ( 65mg elemental Fe)
  8. Ferrous fumarate
    324mg po bid ( 106mg elemental iron)
  9. Slow Fe
    160mg po (50mg elemental iron)
  10. IDA Treatment
    • Ferrous sulfate
    • Ferrrous Fumurate
    • Slow Fe
    • Iron Dextran (INFeD, Dexferrum)
    • Iron Sucrose (Venofer)
    • Ferric Gluconate (Ferrlecit)
    • Ferumoxytol ( Feraheme)
  11. Iron Dextran Treatment
    IDA in patients who cant take PO
  12. Iron Sucrose treatment
    IDA in patients in CRF in non-dialysis and dialysis
  13. Ferric gluconate Treatment
    Repletion of total body iron contents in patients with IDA undergoing hemodialysis w/EPO therapy
  14. Ferumoxytol treatment
    IDA in Chronic Kidney Disease
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DSM exam 3