blood and heart

  1. erythocytes
    carry 02 to tissue and carries c02 away from the tissues
  2. platelets
    assists in formation of blood clots
  3. lymphocytes
    attack invaiders to keep the immune system healthy
  4. monocytes
    • later stages of infection.
    • macrophages eat dead cells
  5. neutophils
    • early stage of infection
    • phagocytes eat bacteria and cellular debris
  6. eosinophils
    assist in fighting agaisnt parasitic worms
  7. basophils
    release chemicals which assist in inflamaory and alergic responces
  8. cardiac muscle cells
    responsible for the contraction of the cardiac muscle
  9. right atrium carries ___ blood from the ___ to the ____.
    • de02
    • superior/inferior vena cava, coronary sinus
    • right ventricle
  10. pectinate muscle
    allows a great strength of contraction with a minimum of muscle mass to carry de02 blood from the atrium to the ventricle
  11. r. auricle carries ___ blood from the ___ to the ____.
    • de02
    • head and arms
    • right atrium
  12. right ventricle carries ___ blood from the ___ to the ____.
    • de02
    • right atrium
    • pulmonary trunk
  13. left atrium carries ___ blood from the ___ to the ____.
    • 02
    • r&l pulmonary veins
    • left ventricle
  14. left ventricle carries ___ blood from the ___ to the ____.
    • 02
    • left atrium
    • assending aorta
  15. interventricluar septum
    separates the right and left sides of the heart
  16. r atrioventricular valve (tricuspid) carries ___ blood from the ___ to the ____.
    • de02
    • right atrium
    • right ventricle
  17. r. pulmonary semilunar valve carries ___ blood from the ___ to the ____.
    • de02
    • right ventricle
    • pulmonary trunk
  18. l. atrioventricular valve (bicuspid, mitral) carries ___ blood from the ___ to the ____.
    • 02
    • left atrium
    • left ventricle
  19. L. aortic semilunar valve carries ___ blood from the ___ to the ____.
    • 02
    • left ventricle
    • assending aorta
  20. superior vena cava carries ____ blood from ___ to ____.
    • de02
    • head and upper limbs
    • right atrium
  21. inferior vena cava carries ____ blood from ___ to ____.
    • de02
    • trunk and lower limbs
    • right atrium
  22. cardiac veins carries ____ blood from ___ to ____.
    • de02
    • cardiac muscle
    • coronary sinus
  23. coronary sinus carries ____ blood from ___ to ____.
    • de02
    • cardiac veins
    • right atrium
  24. pulmonary trunk carries ____ blood from ___ to ____.
    • de02
    • right ventricle
    • pulmonary arteries
  25. r&l pulmonary arteries carries ____ blood from ___ to ____.
    • de02
    • right ventricle
    • the lungs
  26. sinoatrial node
    sets the rate of the contraction of the heart
  27. atrioventricular node
    sends the cardiac impulse from the sa node to the bundle of his
  28. atrioventricular bundle
    carries the cardiac impulse from the AV node to the r&l bundle branches
  29. r&l bundle branches
    carry the cardiac implse from the bundle of his to the r&l ventricles.
  30. purkinje fibers
    disperse the electrical impulses to the myocardial cells throughout the ventricles.
  31. fibrous layer parietal pericardium
    protects the heart from contact with the chest wall and lungs
  32. serous layer parietal pericardium
    protects the heart from friction
  33. myocardium
    responsible for pumping the heart
  34. ligamentum arteriosum
    connects the aortic arch and the pulmonary trunk
  35. chordae tendineae
    connect to the papillary muscle to close the atrioventricular valve.
  36. papilary muscle
    controlls the flow of blood, no backflow
  37. trabeculae carneae
    cardiac muscle fibers that contain part of the conduction of the heart
  38. endocardium
    lines the inside of the heart and blood vessels
  39. lumen
    the opening which blood can flow through
  40. internal elastic lamina
    allow diffusion of materials through the tunica interna to the tunica media
  41. endothelium
    allows efficient blood flow by reducing surface friction
  42. tunica media
    regulates blood pressure
  43. tunica externa
    helps anchor the vessels to surrounding tissue
  44. hepatic portal system
    de02 blood from digestive organs and spleen- hepatic portal system- liver- hepatic vein- inferior vena cava- heart- 02 blood to abdominal aorta- common hepatic a.- liver
  45. circle of willis
    r & l internal carotid a. , basilar a., r&l anterior and posteriorcommunicating a., r&l posterior cerebral a.
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blood and heart