Command Line Utilities

  1. command to verify network settings like MAC and IP addy
  2. command to verify end to end network connectivity
    c:\> PING (host name or IP address)
  3. IP Trace utility and continuous testing of connectivity
    c:\>PATHPING (host name or IP address)
  4. Traces the routes to the internet sites based on hops and displays time taken
    c:\>TRACERT (hostname or IP address)
  5. Address resolution protocol; allows you to see who you ping and who has ping you. you can compare the IP addy to the MAC addy on the network
    c:\>ARP -a (displays current ARP entries)
  6. Displays protocol stats and current TCP/IP connections using NetBIOS over TCP/IP
    • c:\>NBTSTAT
    • /?- provides list of switches available
    • -a- list the netbios resolution table
    • -n- displays the NetBIOS local name table
    • -r determines the number
  7. After you star the messenger service in Win 2K,XP and 2003 you can seen instant messages
    • c:\>NET SEND (computer name or IP address ((message)) Enter)
    • c:\>NET SEND * (message) enter - will send message to everyone on the network
  8. Displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP network connections
    c:\> NETSTAT
  9. Name server lookup resolution and queries DNS server
    • UNIX/Linux : dig
    • C:\>NSLOOKUP (IP address or host name)
  10. Route command lets you display and modify the routing table on Windows and Linux/UNIX
  11. System File Checker
    • C:\>SFC
    • /scannow - scans all protected system files
    • /scanboot - scans all system files when booting
  12. cmd to clear the screen
  13. cmd to get to the C prompt
    cd\ + enter
  14. cmd to maximize and minimize the cmd prompt screen
  15. cmd to break a query that is running
  16. press which key to duplicate your last command
    arrow up key
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Command Line Utilities
commond line codes for networking computers