Random Network Plus

  1. Name 10 Bus Forms for NIC cards
    PCI, PCI-X, PCIe, CNR, ISA, USB, Firewire, PCMCIA, Integrated and express
  2. Xfer speed and bandwidth for Cat6 UTP cable
    • xfer speed: 1000-10,000 mbps
    • Bandwidth: 100-500 MHz
  3. xfer speed and bandwidth for cat3 UTP cable
    • xfer speed 10 mbps
    • band 16MHz
  4. xfer speed for cat5 UTP cable
    • xfer speed 10-100mbps
    • band 100-350 MHz
  5. xfer speed for cat5e UTP cable
    • xfer speed 10/100/1,000 Mbps
    • band 100-350 MHz
  6. what does broadband use to send signals in seperate channels
    Frequency Division Multiplex (FDM)
  7. what does baseband use to send signals in one channel
    Time Division Multiplex (TDM)
  8. Name 3 types of Hubs
    Passive, Intelligent, and Switching hub
  9. List 4 types of non-ethernet networks
    Local Talk, Token-ring, FDDI, and ArcNet
  10. what central device is used to convert digital signals from LAN to those used on WAN
  11. what is the central device does both WAN and LAN segments support
  12. what central device does a WAN use
    Router (layer 3)
  13. what are the 4 bluetooth communication stages
    • Device Discover, Name Discovery,
    • Association, Service Discovery
  14. Name the 3 switching methods used by the switch network concentrator
    • Cut-through: switch forwards packet as soon as it arrives
    • Store and forward: waits to receive entire packets before sending
    • Fragment free: reads only the part of the packet that enables it to identify fragments of a transmission
  15. Name three types of bridges
    • Transparent bridge-invisible to other devices on the network
    • Translational bridge- can convert from one networking system to another
    • Source Route bridge- designed for token ring networks
  16. what is the class A IP adress range and default subnet mask
    • Class A: 1-126
    • Subnet:
  17. what is the class B IP address range and default subnet mask
    • Class B: 128-191
    • Subnet mask:
  18. what is the class C IP address range and the default subnet mask
    • Class C 192-223
    • Subnet mask:
  19. how many bits is an IP address
    32 bit
  20. what is the loopback test IP address
  21. what are the reserved IP address ranges
    Class E : 240-255
  22. what are the number of networks and number of hosts the Class A IP address range can support?

    What is the CIDR for class A
    • # of networks - 126
    • # of hots - 16,777,214
    • CIDR- /8
  23. what are the number of networks and number of hosts the Class B IP address range can support?
    What is the CIDR for class B
    • # of networks 16,384
    • # of hots 65,534
    • CIDR /16
  24. What are the number of networks and number of hosts the Class C IP address range can support?
    What is the CIDR for class C
    • # of networks 2,097,152
    • # of hosts 254
    • CIDR /24
  25. Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) windows based feature that enables pc to auto assign and IP address when there is no DCHP
    IP: -
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Random Network Plus
random info for network plus study guide certification