An organisms ability to cause a disease is called it’s
The degree of pathogenicity is called it’s
In order for a microorganism to cause disease it must:
- Gain access to the host
- Adhere to the host tissues
- Penetrate or evade the hosts defenses
- Damage tissues and cause disease
The way in which a pathogen gains entrance to a host is called its
portal of entry.
portal of entry are :
- Mucus Membranes:Respiratory tract,GI tract,Genitourinary tract,Conjunctiva
- Skin:Parenteral route
Many organisms have a preferred portal of entry which is a prerequisite to a ___
Preferred Portal of Entry - Salmonella typhi
- digestive system (disease )
- skin (no disease)
Preferred Portal of Entry - Streptococcus
- respiratory system (disease)
- Digestive system (no disease)
Preferred Portal of Entry - Bacillus anthracis
more than one
How virulent a microbe is expressed in terms of its ___
LD50 : number of microbes in a dose which will kill 50% of test animals injected
The dose required to produce a demonstrable infection is indicated by ___
LD50 & ID50 are used to ___
compare virulence of organisms to each other
Portal of entry - Bacillus anthracis ID50
- Skin : 10-50 Endospores
- Inhalation : 10,000-20,000 Endospores
- Ingestion : 250,000-1,000,000 Endospores
Which organisms is the most virulent?
The lower the LD50 the more virulent the organism or toxin is.
Most pathogenic bacteria cause disease by penetrating tissues not by
simply attaching to them
Several factors that contribute to an organisms ability to invade a tissue :
- Capsules
- Cell wall components
- Enzymes
M protein resists phagocytosis eg ___
Streptococcus pyogenes
Opa protein inhibits T helper cells eg ___
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Mycolic acid (waxy lipid) resists digestion eg ___
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Organism which Prevent phagocytosis
- Streptococcus pneumoniae
- Haemophilus influenzae
- Bacillus anthracis
___ Coagulates fibrinogen
___ Digest fibrin clots
___ Hydrolyzes hyaluronic acid
___ Hydrolyzes collagen
___ Destroy IgA antibodies
IgA proteases
If a pathogen overcomes a hosts defenses it can damage tissues in four basic ways :
- 1 Direct Damage
- 2 Production of Toxins
- 3 Induction of hypersensitivity reactions
- 4 Using the hosts nutrients
To obtain free iron some pathogen secretes proteins called ___
___ are poisonous substances produced by certain microorganisms
The capacity of an organism to produce a toxin is called its ___
___ is a condition of toxins in the blood
___ is inactivated toxin used in a vaccine
___ Antibodies against a specific toxin
There are two types of toxins ___ & ___
Source of exotoxin is ___
Mostly Gram +
Exotoxin is the byproduct of ___
growing cells
Exotoxin is made up of ___
Exotoxin causes fever y/n ?
Exotoxin is nutralized by antitoxin y/n ?
Main 6 Exotoxin representative
- 1 Diphtheria toxin
- 2 Erythogenic Toxin
- 3 Botulinum toxin
- 4 Tetanus toxin
- 5 Vibrio enterotoxins
- 6 Staphylococcal enterotoxins
Source of Endotoxins
Gram -tive
Endotoxins' relation to microbes
outer membrane
Endotoxins chemistry
Lipid A
Endotoxins causes fever y/n?
Endotoxins is nutralized by Antitoxin y/n?
LD50 of Endotoxins
Relatively Large
___ are small circular pieces of DNA separate from the main chromosome which are capable of independent replication.
___ Can be transferred between organisms
- Resistance factors
- Virulence factors
___ are bacteria viruses
Bacteriophages can incorporate their DNA into the host-Lysogeny by ___
Lysogenic conversion
Viruses avoid a hosts immune response by ___
- 1 They grow inside cells
- 2 Specialized attachment
- 3 Some attack the immune system itself
___ visible effects of viral infection
Cytopathic effects
Those that result in cell death are called ___ effects
Those that damage the cell but do not kill it are called ___ effects