Biology Bacteria and Viruses

  1. (true/false) viruses consist of RNA and DNA surrounded by a coat of protein
  2. (true/false) gram- negative bacteria have a thick layer of peptidoglycan that stains pink
  3. (true/false) once a virus enters either a lytic or a lysogenic cycle, it cant change to the opposite type of cycle.
  4. (true/false) bacterial cells lack membrane-bound organelles and pairs
  5. (true/false) chicken pox and shingles are caused by the same virus
  6. (true/false) emerging viruses normally do not infect humans, but they can when humans disturb their habitat
  7. (true/false) although viruses do not consist of cells, biologists consider them to be living because they are capable or reproduction
  8. (true/false) some bacteria cannot survive in the prescence of oxygen
  9. (true/false) certain antibiotics have become ineffective against certain strains of bacteria. these bacteria have developed a resistance, which may be passed on from one generation of bacteria to the next
  10. (true/false) bacteria lack nuclei and therefore also lack genetic material
  11. biologists now know that viruses
    a. are the smallest organisms
    b. consist of a protein surrounded by a nucleic acid coat

    c. contain RNA or DNA in a protein coat
    d. all form the same crystalline shape
    c. contain RNA or DNA in a protein coat
  12. all viruses have
    a. cytoplasm
    b. ribosomes
    c. mitochondria
    d. none of the above
    d. none of the above
  13. cell organelles that E. coli and other bacteria have in common with eukaryotes are
    a. chloroplasts
    b. mitochondria
    c. nuclei
    d. ribosomes
    d. ribosomes
  14. we know viruses are not alive because
    a. they are not cellular
    b. they cannot make proteins
    c. they cannot use energy
    d. all the above
    d. all the above
  15. an example of an emerging virus is
    a. measles
    b. smallpox
    c. HIV
    d. ebola
    d. ebola
  16. which of the following might be found in the cytoplasm of a bacterial cell?
    a. chloroplasts
    b. golgi bodies
    c. mitochondria
    d. none of the above
    d. none of the above
  17. the virus that causes AIDS is called
    a. rubella
    b. chlamydia
    c. HIV
    d. epstein-barr
    c. HIV
  18. bacterial endospores
    a. occur where there is plenty of available food
    b. allow certain species to survive harsh environmental conditions
    c. are similar to human tumors
    d. can cause growth abnormalities in plants
    b. allow certain species to survive harsh environmental conditions
  19. the virus cycle where a virus infects a host cell and immediately takes over the cell to make new viruses is called
    a. lytic cycle
    b. lysogenic cycle
    c. transformation cycle
    d. transduction cycle
    a. lytic cycle
  20. bacteria can absorb DNA from their environment through the process of
    a. transformation
    b. transduction
    c. conjugation
    a. transformation
  21. E. coli is an example of a bacterium that has short, thin, hairlike projections called
    a. pili
    b. flagella
    c. cocci
    d. ribsomes
    a. pili
  22. spherical (round) bacteria that occur in clusters are
    a. streptococci
    b. staphylococci
    a. streptococci
  23. bacteria that require oxygen to live are called
    a. obligate anaerobes
    b. obligate aerobes
    c. faculative anaerobes
    d. facilitative aerobes
    b. obligate aerobes
  24. which of the following human activities is most closely associated with emerging viruses?
    a. absence of a vaccination program
    b. crowded living conditions
    c. clearcutting of forests
    d. eating uncooked meat
    c. clearcutting of forests
  25. viruses
    a. are cellular organisms
    b. reproduce only in living cells
    c. have nuclei and organelles
    d. are surrounded by a polysaccharic coat
    b. reproduce only in living cells
  26. which of the following are used by at least some bacteria for movement?
    a. pili
    b. flagella
    c. cytoplasmic projections
    d. all of the above
    b. flagella
  27. mad cow disease is caused by infrction with small abnormal proteins called
    a. bacteria
    b. viruses
    c. prions
    d. viroids
    c. prions
  28. the capsid of a virus is the
    a. protective outer coat
    b. cell membrane
    c. nucleus
    d. cell wall and membrane complex
    a. protective outer coat
  29. when tested with a gram stain, gram-positive bacteria are stained
    a. green
    b. yellow
    c. pink
    d. purple
    d. purple
  30. during the process of conjugation
    a. a virus obtains DNA from a host bacterium.
    b. a bacterial cell takes in DNA from the external environment
    c. one bacterium transfers DNA to another
    d. two bacteria exchange DNA
    c. one bacterium transfers DNA to another
  31. a pathogen is an agent that is
    a. beneficial to humans
    b. harmful only to plants
    c. harmful to living organisms
    d. nearly extinct
    c. harmful to living organisms
  32. a typical virus consists of
    a. a protein coat and a cytoplasm core.
    b. a carbohydrate coat and a nucleic acid core.
    c. a protein coat and a nucleic acid core
    d. a polysaccharide coat and a nucleic acid core
    c. a protein coat and a nucleic acid core
  33. spherical (round) bacteria that occur in chains are called
    a. streptococci
    b. staphylocci
    a. streptococci
  34. transduction is one way bacteria can acquire new pieces of DNA through a
    a. bacterium
    b. virus
    c. protist
    d. prion
    b. virus
  35. bacteria that can survive at high salt concentrations are the
    a. extreme hydrophiles
    b. extreme halophiles
    c. thermophiles
    d. thermoacidophiles
    b. extreme halophiles
  36. the bacteria that can survive in extreme environments and are similar to the more "ancient" bacteria are the
    a. eubacteria
    b. archaebacteria
    b. archeabacteria
  37. structures found in a eukaryotic cell but not in a bacterial cell are
    a. cell nucleic
    b. chromosome pairs
    c. membrane-bound organelles
    d. all the above
    d. all the above
  38. the study of viruses is a part of biology because
    a. they belong to the kingdom eubacteria
    b. they are about to become extinct
    c. they are living organisms
    d. they are active inside living cells
    d. they are active inside living cells
  39. which of the following conditions would be unsuitable for any kind of bacteria to grow?
    a. temperature of 110 degrees C (230 degrees F)
    b. abscence of water
    c. anaerobes
    d. eukaryotes
    b. abscence of water
  40. bacteria lack a true nucleus and membrane-bound organelles, therefore, they are classified as
    a. prokaryotes
    b. aerobes
    c. anaerobes
    d. eukaryotes
    a. prokaryotes
  41. in which type of cell cycle(s) does viral DNA become integrated (joined) into the host cell's DNA?
    a. lytic
    b. lysogenic
    c. neither lytic nor lysogenic
    d. lytic and lysogenic
    b. lysogenic
  42. are viruses living?
    a. yes
    b. no
    b. no
  43. spherical bacteria are know as
    a. bacilli
    b. spirilla
    c. cocci
    d. prions
    c. cocci
Card Set
Biology Bacteria and Viruses