
  1. The New Nationalism, a program designed to promote internal economic development following the War of 1812, was pushed by a group of aggressive young Republican nationalists. It included all EXCEPT:

    D) high new taxes to pay off the war debt.

    The program included the chartering of the Second National Bank of the United States.
  2. The transportation revolution:

    D) lowered the cost of moving goods across land.

    The cost of moving goods on land fell 95 percent between 1825 and 1855.
  3. During the quarter-century after the War of 1812 ended, the major expansive force in the American economy was:

    A) cotton production.

    The major expansive force in the American economy after the War of 1812 was the cotton industry.
  4. As commercial agriculture emerged in the United States, farmers engaged in all of the following EXCEPT:

    D) marketing their own crops.

    Commercial farmers did not market their own crops, but sent them to distant markets in return for cash.
  5. In McCulloch v. Maryland, the Supreme Court:

    B) accepted the doctrine of implied powers and expanded the authority of the national government.

    In McCulloch vs. Maryland, Chief Justice Marshall decided that Congress had the implied power to establish a national bank.
  6. A striking element of American society in the early nineteenth century was:

    D) an emphasis on speed and mobility.

    American society in the early nineteenth century was characterized by an emphasis on speed and mobility.
  7. All of the following help account for the shift to factory production EXCEPT:

    A) inventions that gave the United States a head start over Europeans.

    The available investment capital and credit made it easier to start factory production.
  8. For workers, the factories at Lowell before 1845 depended on:

    C) young women.

    The Lowell mills originally relied on women for their labor supply.
  9. The mountain men of the American West were:

    A) expectant capitalists who played an active role in the emerging national market economy.

    Mountain men went west to make money, not escape society.
  10. The Panic of 1819 is significant because it:

    D) ended the optimistic nationalism that followed the War of 1812.

    The Panic of 1819 was the first of a cycle of depressions throught the nineteenth century.
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Exam #3