
  1. Once in power, Jefferson:

    D) increasingly adopted broad construction.

    Jefferson did retreat from some of Hamilton's program, but he also expanded the operations of the national bank and did not do away with funding and assumption.
  2. Jefferson believed in:

    D) one-party rule

    Jefferson hoped to restore one-party rule by winning over moderate Federalists.
  3. As they left office, Federalists hoped to retain influence by:

    C) expanding the size of the federal court system.

    The Federalists hoped to retain power by expanding the size of the federal court system and appointing Federalist judges to those new posts.
  4. According to the doctrine established in the landmark Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison:

    D) the Court could rule on the constitutionality of federal laws

    In Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court upheld the doctrine of judicial review, which gave the court the power to rule on the constitutionality of federal laws.
  5. Jefferson favored western expansion for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

    B) he thought it would strengthen the power of the federal government.

    Jefferson favored western expansion in part because the West was overwhelmingly Republican.
  6. In the South of the early 1800s:

    C) revivalism was important in spreading Christianity to African-Americans.

    White Southerners did not discourage religion among their slaves until later decades.
  7. The Shawnee Chief Tecumseh:

    C) created a confederation among northern tribes but not in the South.

    Tecumseh was defeated and slain in battle and with his death all hopes of a pan-Indian alliance disappeared.
  8. The Embargo:

    B) especially hurt New England's prosperity.

    Jefferson tried the embargo instead of a naval war.
  9. In 1812, the United States went to war with England for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

    A) to honor a treaty obligation to Spain.

    Westerners hoped to gain additional territory from war with England.
  10. The American victory at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend:

    A) destroyed the military power of the Indians in the Old Southwest.

    The American victory at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend broke the Indian military power in the Southwest.
  11. The Monroe Doctrine:

    B) warned Europe not to interfere in the Americas.

    The Monroe Doctrine warned European nations that any intervention in the newly created Central American republics would be considered a hostile act.
  12. The Missouri Compromise provided for all of the following EXCEPT:

    C) securing a balance of free and slave state-power in the House of Representatives

    The Missouri Compromise did admit Maine as a free state.
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Exam 3