Know the definition of Wellness
- is defined as an
- active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a
- more successful existence. Wellness in a process rather than a goal. It implies
- a choice, a way of life.
Be able to list several benefits of Healthy Living
- Better quality of life,
- longer life, increases ability to cope with stress, promotes self confidence,
- delays aging process.
Know the leading cause of death for all Americans and Americans ages 15-24
- Accidents, homicides,
- suicide, cancer, heart disease.
Know the 5 stumbling block to healthy living and may lead Americans to become
overweight and obese.
- Setting
- unrealistic goals, Doing too much too soon, Not eating properly, Relying solely
- on cardio for your workout, Being obsessed with the numbers on your scale
US Weight Loss industry is now worth over______?
60.8 billion
Know the difference between Healthy Living and Weight Loss?
- Living
- healthy
isn't just about weight loss, it's about moving your- body and feeding it
good things- for
healthy and- longevity
“Unhealthy fat” (or too much fat) can increase our risk for what conditions
Heart disease
What were the significant findings of the UCLA study about dieting &
Yoyo dieting
- the dieter is
- initially successful in the pursuit of
weight loss but- is unsuccessful in maintaining the loss long-term and begins to gain the weight
- bac
Know the definition of “Body Image”?
- refers to a person's
- perception of the
aesthetics and sexual- attractiveness
of their own body
Know about the body image for men and women
men= muscles, women= lean
Know the definition of Core Belief, Know the two types of negative core believes
- Core believes= how we see
- the world. (Helpless/ unlovable)
Know the Core Belief at the center of the McBride Health Behavior
- our self, others, future,
- world
Know 4 steps of the McBride Health Behavior Modification Model
- Healthy behavior,
- Plan, Action, Recognition
Know the 5 Steps for Planning How to Incorporate a Health Behavior into your
- 1. Choose or design a plan,
- 2. Identify specifically when, where, & how, 3. Design, 4. Receive Feedback,
- 5. Revise plan
1. Know the 3 different types of Energy Systems, Know the differences
and definitions of each energy systems and the main fuels the utilize
- ATP-PC system (Phosphogen system) - This system is
- used only for very short durations of up to 10 seconds.
- Anaerobic system (Lactic Acid system) - Predominates in
- supplying energy for exercises lasting less than 2 minutes.
- Aerobic system - This is the long
- duration energy system.
Know the 2 different types of Muscle Fiber Types
- Type 1= slow, type 2= fast –cardiac,
- smooth, skeletal
Know the definition of Flexibility and four different types.
- ballistic, dynamic,
- static, and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
Know what Fritto Stands for
Frequency, Rest, Intensity, Type, Time, Order
We use FRITTO Principles of Strength training to design strength
training programs. Know the general guidelines for Frequency, Rest, Intensity,
Time, Type & Order Know the SAID Principle!
- Frequency- 3-5x a week,
- Rest-1-2 days, Intensity- 50-90%, Type- (swim/run), Time- 40-60min, Order- warm-up,
- activity, cool down/strengthen.
Be able to recognize the definitions of Power, hypertrophy, RM,
- Power is the rate at which energy is transferred, used, or transformed.
- hypertrophy is the increase in the volume of an organ or tissue due to the enlargement of its componentcells
- RM is a basic UNIX command used to remove objects such as files, directories, device nodes, symbolic links, and so on from the filesystem
Know the caloric value of 1 gram of carbohydrates, 1 gram of Protein and 1 gram of fat Know the
- Fat: 1 gram = 9 calories
- Protein: 1 gram = 4 calories
- Carbohydrates: 1 gram = 4 calories
definition of obesity
- is a medical condition in
- which excess body fat has
- accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading
- to reduced life expectancy and/or
- increased health problems
Know the names of the four different ways to measure body fat
- Underwater Weighting, Bioelectrical Impedance analysis, Skin
- fold Measurements, Air-displacement plethysmography
1. Know how to design a basic Cardio program including target heart rate
F= 3-4 Times a week (M,W,F,S optional)
R = 1- 2 days between work outs
- I = 60-70% Intensity (You must do your actual target heart
- rate and test it on one program)
T = Swimming
T = 30- 50 minutes
- § Outside of
- pull, Arm swings, high Knees, jumping jacks
- § In Pool swim at
- slower pace for first 3 minutes-
- § Swim at regular
- pace 25-40 minutes
- § (alternating between free-style and
- backstroke)
- ·
- 5- 10 min Cool Down=
- Sprint 2 lengths of pool
- § Swim slower
- pace 2 lengths of pool
- § Outside of pool
- stretch arms- swing, Reach and hold
- § Lower back -
- sit and reach, twist yoga
Know 4 guidelines for rape prevention
- know your sexual desire and
- limits, communicate your limits clearly, be assertive, be aware that your nonverbal
- actions