- Gram negative
- Stain with giemsa/wright stain
- Microaerophilic
- Abundent outer membrance proteins
- Recombination possible for OMPs
- Tick borne
- Rabbit, bird, lizard reservoirs
- Night feeding
- Louse borne: must be crushed to pass on bacteria
- Symptoms with bacteremia
- Endotoxin like features
- Between episodes organism disappears
- OMPs Ag different with each relapse
- Immunity: humoral, lysis with complement
- One week incubations
- high fever, rigors, severe headache, muscle pains, weakness
- Last one week, abruptly ends
- Relapses in 2-4 days
- 1-4 relapses
- Louse borne more fatal
Diagnosis and Tx
- Giemsa/wright staining
- Presence among red cells
- tetracycline