
  1. What phylum is sponges in?
  2. What is the body cavity of the phylum Porifera/ Sponges?
  3. 1. What is the symmetry of the phylum Porifera/ sponges?

    2. Does a sponge have a digestive system?
    1. Asymmetrical

    2. none.
  4. List the organisms in the phylum Cnidaria.
    • Jellyfish
    • Portuguese man-of-war
    • Sea Anemone
    • coral
    • Obelia
    • Hydra
  5. What is the body cavity of the pylum cnidaria/jellyfish?
  6. What is the symmetry of the phylum cnidaria/ jellyfish?
  7. What doe the digestive system include in the phylum cnidara/jellyfish
    incomplete GVC or (sac gut)
  8. What phylum does flatworms belong to?
  9. What phylum does planarians belong to?
  10. What phylum does liver flukes belong to?
  11. What phylum does tapeworms belong to?
  12. What body cavity does the flatworms or platyhelminths have?
  13. What is the symmetry of the flatworm or platyhelminths?
  14. What digestive system does the platyhelminthes have?
    incomplete gut (sac gut)
  15. Name the organisms in the phylum nemotoda
    • roundworms
    • ascaris
    • vinegar eels
    • heartworms
  16. What body cavity does the phylum nematode have?
  17. What body cavity doe the roundworm have?
  18. What is the symmetry of the roundworm?
  19. What is the digestive of the phylum nematode or the roundoworm?
    complete tube gut
  20. Name the classes of the phylum mollusca
    • gastropoda
    • bivalvia
    • cephlapoda
  21. Name the organism in the class gastropoda
    • snail
    • lightning welk
    • slug
  22. Name the organisms in the class bivalvia; phylum mollusca
    • scallop
    • oyster
    • clam
  23. What organisms are in the class cephlapoda; phylum mollusca
    • squid
    • octopus
    • Nautilus
  24. The body cavity of the classes gastropoda, bivalvia, cephlapoda is
  25. What is the symmetry of the phylum mollusca
  26. What is the digestive system of the phylum mollusca
    complete (tube gut)
  27. Name the organisms in the phylum annaleda
    • segmented worms
    • earthworm
    • clam worm
    • marine worm
    • tube worm
    • leech
  28. What phylem is the segmented worms in?
  29. What body cavity does the segmented worms/ phylum annelida have?
  30. What is the symmetry of the segmented worms?
  31. What is the symmetry of the phylum annelida?
  32. What is the digestive system of the phylum annelida?
    complete tube gut
  33. Name the organisms in the phylum arthropoda
    • horseshoe crab
    • tarantula
    • crayfish
    • barnacle
    • grasshopper
    • insects
    • milipede
    • centipede
    • scorpion
  34. What is the body cavity of the phylum arthropoda?
  35. What is the symmetry of the phylum arthropoda?
  36. What is the digestive system of the phylum arthropoda?
    complete tube gut
  37. What phylum is the sea star?
  38. What phylum is the brittle star?
  39. What phylum is the brittle star?
  40. What phylum is the urchin in?
  41. What phylum is the sand dollar in
  42. What phylum is the sea cucumber in?
  43. What phylum is the daisy in?
  44. What body cavity does the phylum echinodermata have?
  45. What is the symmetry of the phylum echinodermata have?
  46. What is the digestive system of the echinodermata?
    complete tube gut
  47. Name the classes of the phylum chordata.
    • subphylum hemichordata
    • superclass agnatha
    • chondrichthyes
    • osteichthyes
    • Amthibia
    • reptilia
    • aves
    • mammalia
  48. What phylum is mammalia?
  49. What phylum is aves in?
  50. What phylum is osteichthyes?
  51. What phylum is superclass agnatha?
  52. What is the phylum chordata incude?
    vertebrates and invertebrates
  53. Name the organisms that are invertebrates in the phylum chordata
    • lancelet
    • sea squirt
  54. What is the body cavity of the phylum chordata?
  55. What is the symmetry of the phylum chordata
  56. What is the digestive system of the phylum chordata
    complete tube gut.
  57. What organisms does the class mammalia include?
    • human
    • mouse,
    • dog
    • bat
    • cat
  58. What organism does the class aves include?
  59. List the organisms that the class reptilia include
    • snake
    • lizarad
    • turtle
  60. Name the organisms of the class amphimia
    • frog
    • salamander
  61. Name the organism of the class osteichthyes
    • perch
    • drum
    • sea horse
  62. Name the organisms of the class chondrichthes/ cartilaginous fish?
    • shark
    • skate
    • ray
  63. name the jawless fish
    • hagfish
    • lamprey
  64. What class is the jawless fish?
  65. What class is the cartilaginous fish?
  66. Name the class of the bony fish
  67. What is the body cavity of the phylum chordata?
  68. What is the symmetry of the phylum chordata
  69. name the digestive system of the phylum chordata
    complete tube gut
  70. What organism is found in the venus flower basket?

    What relationsship does the two share?

  71. Name the parts of a sponge
    • ostium
    • oscolum
    • spicule
    • spongocoel
  72. What is the venus flower basket made of?
    silica or glass
  73. What is the jellyfish?
  74. Portuguese man-of-war is
    a colony of polyps
  75. The sea anoname is
    a single polyp
  76. Name the body form of coral
    colony of polyps
  77. What is inside the the reproductive polyp on the obelia?
    medusa buds
  78. List the parts of a hydra
    • mouth
    • gvc
    • tentacles
    • nematocyst
    • nerve net
  79. In the tapeworm model...
    • dog
    • human
    • cow
  80. Name the parts of a planarian
    • eye spots
    • auricle
    • gvc
    • pharanx
  81. What is the head of the tapeworm called?
  82. Name the parts of a tapeworm
    • ring of hooks
    • suckers
    • has a gravid proglotted that incorporated the zygotes
  83. What type of relationship does a tapeworm have with the host?
  84. On the ascaris, name the internal parts
    • 2. vagina
    • 3. uterus
    • 5. ovaries
  85. What distinguishes the male ascaris?
    hooked tail
  86. in order from the head, name the internal organs on the disected ascaris.

    The head is the end that is not dissected completely
    • anterior end
    • intestines
    • reporductive organs
    • posterior end
  87. What is the only surviving cephlopoda/ phylum mollusca with an external shell?
  88. name the parts of a clam shell
    • dorsal
    • umbo
    • anterior
    • posterior
    • ventral
  89. On a clam shell which is phylum mollusca class bivalvia which way does the umbo point?
  90. Name the internal parts of a clam
    • adductor muscle
    • foot
    • mantle
    • heart
    • viseral mass
    • gills
  91. Name the internal parts of a squid, phylem mollusca; class cephlopoda
    • ink sac
    • pen
    • mouth with beak
    • arms
    • tentacle
    • mantle
    • siphon
    • visceral mass
  92. Name the internal structures of a earthworm; phylum Nemotoda
    • mouth
    • pharynx
    • crop
    • gizzard
    • intestine
    • anus
  93. What is the external structure on a earthworm; phylum nematoda?
  94. Name the parts of a crayfish
    • simmerettes
    • anus
    • abdomen
    • 5 pair of walking legs
    • mouth
    • compound eyes
    • antenna
  95. Name the internal structures of a crayfish
    • stomach with gastric mill
    • gills
    • carapace (over the cephalothorax)
    • digestive gland
    • intestine
  96. male swimmeretes are
  97. list in order the insect metamorphosis of a butterfly
    • Complete metamorphosis
    • eggs
    • larva
    • pupa
    • adult
  98. Name the external structures of the sea star

    The ring canal is in the ____.

    The ______ canal is in the tube feet.
    • 1. madroporite
    • tube feet
    • stomach

    2. center

    3. Radial
  99. name the external structures on the body fish; class osteichthyes; phylum chordata
    • pectoral fins
    • dorsal fins
    • anal fins
    • terminal mouth
    • operculum (covers gills)
  100. What is the chondrichthyes made of?
    cartilaginous fish
  101. name the external organs oon the top of a skate
    • dorsal fin
    • pelvic fin
    • pectoral fin
    • spiracle (opening behind the eyes on a skate)
  102. name the external structures underneath the skate
    • ventral mouth
    • gill slits
  103. On the cartilaginous fish, the shark, name the external parts.
    • terminal mouth
    • gill slits
    • dorsal fins
    • pectoral fins
    • pelvicl fins
    • spiracle
  104. Name the external features on the amphibia frog.
    • tympanum
    • nicititating membrane
  105. name the parts on the aves
    • keel bone
    • barbs
Card Set
Animal kingdom