
  1. Anorexia
    Eating disorder in which person refuses to eat food in order to lose weight.
  2. Apnea
    Brief interruption in breathing, sometimes during sleep
  3. Binge eating disorder
    Pattern of eating involving stress eating, but with no purging.
  4. Bulimia Nervosa
    Eating disorder involving recurrent episodes of bingeing followed by purging (vomit, laxative, excessive exercise)
  5. Cataplexy
    Sudden loss of muscle tone that accompanies narcolepsy.
  6. Chronotherapy
    Treatment for circadian rhythm sleep disorders that systematically moves bedtime later in intervals (phase delays) until it approches the desired bedtime.
  7. Circadian rhythm sleep disorder
    Sleep disturbance resulting in sleepiness or insomnia, caused by the body's inability to synchronize its sleep patterns with the current pattern of day and night.
  8. Dyssomnia v. Hypersomnia
    D: Problems getting to sleep or obtaining enough sleep

    H: Excessive sleep. Someone with hypersomnia will fall asleep several times a day.
  9. Hypnagogic hallucinations
    Part of narcolepsy involving frightening and vivid experiences during sleep that are visual, tactile, aural and mobile.
  10. Primary Insomnia
    Difficulty in initiating, maintaining, or gaining from sleep. Not related to other medical or psychological problems.
  11. Melatonin
    Hormone, activated by darkness, that controls the body's biological clock and to induce sleep.
  12. Non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM)
    Periods in the sleep cycle, divided in to four substages when the body may be active while the brain is relatively less active and dreaming does not occur.
  13. Parasomnias
    Abnormal behaviors that occur during sleep (sleepwalk, talk, nightmares)
  14. Pica
    Eating disorder in infants or individuals with mental retardation characterized by ingesting non nutritive substances such as paint, dirt or insects.
  15. Rapid eye movement sleep (REM)
    Periodic intervals of sleep during which the eyes move rapidly from side to side, and dreams occur but body is inactive.
  16. Rumination disorder
    Regurgitation and reswallowing of partially digested food, interfering with nutritional intake or weight gain.
  17. Sleep enuresis and Sleep paralysis
    SE: peeing in your sleep

    SP: Brief and frightening period at the beginning or end of sleep when the individual cannot move or speak; sometimes mistaken for nocturnal panic attacks.
  18. Somnambulism
    Sleepwalking during NREM
  19. Slow wave/Delta sleep
    Slow brain wave activity characterises deep sleep
  20. Total Sleep Time (TST)
    Actual combined time a person spends sleeping each day.
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chapter 10