fiat money
- commodity money
- shells, cocoa, beads, rocks
why do people hold money
precautionary, transactionary, speculative
adam smith
- father of economics
- wrote wealth of nations
- free market
- invisible hand
- invented ad and how long run affected ad
average propensity to consume APC
consumption/disposable income
how does frictional reserve sysem create money
banks lend money from a single deposit
money expansion multiplier
- calculates the maximum amount of money that an initial deposit can be expanded to within a given reserve ratio
- m=1/r
3 functions of money
- medium of exchange
- store of value
- unit of account
why is nominal interest rate (i) viewed as the "price of money"
opportunity cost of keeping mondy in your pocket
quantity theory of money
- increasing the amount of money will lead to an equall percentage change in prices of products and services
- %^ms+%^v=%^p+%^Y
what are the total reserves and how are they changed
- the sum of all deposits that a bank can take in
- changed by
- changing required reserve ratio
ease in which you can convert an asset into cash
rate at which money is spent and respent in the market
four characteristics of money
- durability
- portability
- divisibility
- indentifiable
marginal propensity to comsume
- shows the likely hood of a ^ in c due to a ^ in Yd
- MPC=^C/^Yd
say's law
supply creates its own demand
john keyns
- The General theory
- fiscal policy
Reasons for SRAS
- sticky prices
- sticky wages
Shifts in SRAS
- changes in wages
- changes in prices of non labor inputs
- productivity (training, education)
non inflationary full employment level of real GDP
shifts in LRAS
- change in technology, T up lras right
- change in resources
real balance effect
as prices fall, buyers "real" purchasing power goes up so they buy more stuff
intterest rate effect
as prices fall, savings increase, money for loans increase, demand for loans increase, ppl buy more stuff
international trade effect
as prices fall, U.S. exports more, ppl buy more U.S. stuff
shifts in AD
- change in consumer spending: c up, ad up
- change in investing
- change in gov spending
- change in net exports
required reserve ratio
the portion of deposits that banks must hold in reserve
aggregate demand
the total demand for goods and services in the economy at a givin time and price level
total planned output when prices and wage rates can change
total planned output when prices can change but inputs stay the same
fundamental psychological rule
0<MPC<1 some money will be spent, some will be saved