CHEMISTRY Periodic Table

  1. Researched triads that had similar chemical properties
  2. Physical properties showed a trend that varied in an orderly way according to their atomic mass
  3. Russian chemist who organized known elements into a periodic table and recognized that chemical and physical properties varied in an orderly way when elements arranged by increasing atomic mass
    Dmitri Mendeleev
  4. What did Mendeleev predict?
    • Properties of yet undiscovered elements (based on trends in columns and rows)
    • *Predictions were very accurate
  5. How is the modern periodic table arranged?
    By atomic number
  6. A horizontal row
  7. A vertical column
    Family or Group
  8. Divides metals from nonmetals
    Stair steps
  9. 8 valence electrons - Element is unreactive
    Stable octet
  10. Loses electrons when reacting to form a stable octet
    Has 1-3 valence electrons
    Found left of stair steps
  11. Gains electrons when reacting to form a stable octet
    Typically has 5-7 valence electrons
    Found right of the stair steps (not including 8A)
  12. Can gain or lose electrons when reacting to form a stable octet
    Has 3-5 valence electrons
    Found along the stair steps
  13. Do not gain or lose electrons (don't react)
    Has 8 (or 2) electrons
    Found in rightmost column
    Noble gases
  14. Where are the groups and what are their names on the periodic table?
    Image Upload 2
  15. A base
    Alkali / Alkaline
  16. Salt former
  17. Oxygen family
  18. What are family characteristics?
    • All have the same number of valence electrons
    • Similar chemical properties
    • Trends of density, boiling point, melting point
    • Trend of increasing or decreasing reactivity
  19. Properties of elements tend to repeat in a pattern when the elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number
    Periodicity (Periodic Law)
  20. What are periodic properties?
    • Atomic size
    • Metallic nature
    • Valence electrons
    • Chemical reactivity
  21. What are the units for atom size?
    • Angstroms = 1x10-10m
    • Picometers = 1x10-12m
  22. Energy needed to remove the outermost valence electron from and atom in the gaseous phase
    Ionization energy
  23. How does ionization energy increase?
    • From left to right
    • From bottom to top
  24. What are reactivity trends?
    • Metals become more reactive down the group
    • Nonmetals become less reactive down the group
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CHEMISTRY Periodic Table
Periodic Table