Preparations containing finely divided drug particles (the suspenoid) distributed somewhat uniformly throughout a vehicle in whih the drug exhibits a minimum degree of solubility
What is the composition of a suspension?
The dispered phase
The dispersing phase (dispersing medium)
What are the classification of suspensions?
Coarse dispersion
Fine and colloidal dispersion
What are the application of suspension?
Dugs stability
Liquid therapy
Flexability of dosage forms dry powder fro reconsitiution
What are the components of stokes law?
V: Velocity of fall of particle (rate of sedimentation
d: diameter of the particle
pi: density of the particle
pe: density of the medium
g: gravitational constant
n: vicosity of the dispersion medium
WHat is the suspendoid?
Extend of settling and ease of dispersibility
What are the characterisics that take into consideration for the suspendoid?