anatomy and physiology

  1. arthrology
    the scientific study of joints
  2. kynesiology
    the scientific study of human movement
  3. ariculation or arthrosis
    another name for joint
  4. the types of joints
    fibrous joint cartilagenious joints and synovial joints
  5. how many bones articulate wiothin the human skeletal sysytem
    200 bones articulate
  6. joints classified as their movements are called
    synarthrosis diarthroses and amphiarthroses
  7. synarthroses
    is an immovable joint
  8. amphiarthroses
    is a semi movable joint or able to move a little
  9. diarthroses
    a diarthroses joint is a freely movable joint.
  10. fibrous joints
    their is no synovial cavity and bones are connected by dense irregular connective tissue and is usually synarthrosis and diarthroses joints.
  11. cartilagenious joints
    it contains no synovial cavity and each end of connecting bone are covered by cartilage or hyaline cartilage is usaully synarthrosis and diarthroses
  12. synovial joints
    synovial joints contain a synovial cavity and are united by the dense irregular connective tissue of an articular capsule and often by acessory ligaments.and it is classified as a diarthroses joints.
  13. the kinds of firbrous joints
    are sutures syndesmosis and interouseous membranes.
  14. a suture
    a thin fibrous joint composed of thin dense irregular connective tissue. sutures are located in the skull only. they are synasthrosis or amphiarthrosis based on they age of the person
  15. the types of sutures based on their formations and margins
    serrate sutures squamos sutures and plane sutures.
  16. serrate sutures
    serrate suttures are descriibed by their interlocking margins.
  17. squamos sutures
    squamos sutures are described by their overlaping formation by dense irregular connective tissue and the only squamos suture is the temporal bone.
  18. plane suture
    a plane suture is similar to the serrate suture but dooes not have inter locking margins its margins is a smooth line like the suture of th e hard plate.
  19. synostosis
    is the replacing of sutures by bone it is a joint in which brings the fusion of two seperate bone into one bone like the frontal bone it grows in halves
  20. frontal or metopic suture
    this is when the frontal bone does not go under synostosis before the age of six
  21. syndesmosis
    it is a fibrous joint with great distance like the dense irregular connective tissue between the tiba and fibular bones.
  22. gomphosis
    is the joint that holds the teeth in the mouth.
  23. the two types of cartilagenous joints
    synchondrosis symphasis
  24. synchondrosis
    sychondrosis is an immovable joint that is composed of hyaline cartilager for example the epiphyseal growth plate a synchondrosis joint is a synarthosis joint.
  25. symphisis
    all located at the mid line of the body
  26. what is the structure of synovial joints
    synovial cavity, hyaline cartilage and articular cartilage
  27. articular cartilage
    cartilage that cover the ends of bones to help absorb shock and gets its nutrient from diffusion from the synovial cavity. articular cartilage is hyalin cartilage.
  28. articular capsule
    resist stretching and the dislocation of joints part of the synovial joint that had two layers the outer fibrous membrane and the innersynovial membrane.
  29. the outer fibrous membrane
    is related to the part of the outer layer of the articular capsule its dense regular connective tissue ligaments connects to the articulationg bones like ligaments. they are a form of ligaments resists stretching dislocation of joints and holds bone together. poorly vascularized but well innervated.
  30. inner synovial membrane
    is compposed of areolar tissue called articullar fat pads well vascularized but poorly innervated.
  31. synovial fluid
    similar to blood plasma but contains of hylaronic acid and glyco protien that make lubricin. synoival fluid is for lubrication of joint and absorbing shocks.
  32. extrascapular ligaments
    ligaments that lay outside of the of that connects the two bones
  33. inner scapsular ligament
    ligament that is within the extrascapsular ligament that hold bones together.
  34. articular disc or minisci
    found in between joint to help absorb shock and for lubrication better fitt articulating bones and hight and weight distribution
  35. labrum
    prominent in the balll and socket joints is a lip that helps deepen the socket so disloaction doesnt occur.
  36. bursae
    sac like structures filled with something like synovial fluid to hel libricate areas of the synovial cavity to help reduce friction between muscle and bone tendons and bone bone an bone
  37. tendon sheath
    pretty much busae wrapped around tendons
  38. bursitis
    bursitis irritation is cause by chronic use of a joint it causes swelling and and pain
  39. flexion
    a form of movement that is along the saggital plane like moving the arm up
  40. extension
    oposite of flexion moves returns body part back to the anatomical position after being flexed and it moves along the saggital plane.
  41. lateral flexion
    the bending of the waist from the side.
  42. hyperextension
    moving limb beyond the extension point
  43. gliding
    simple movement of a synovial joint in which flat bone surfaces move back and fourthand from side to side sometimes these sliding movements can combine with rotation
  44. angular movements
    their is an increase or decrease of movement they include flexion extension aduction abduction and circumduction
  45. abduction
    the movement of bone away from the midline
  46. adduction
    movement of bone towards the midline
  47. circumduction
    a circular movement that is actually a combination of flexion extension abduction and adduction rotation at the joint.
  48. rotation
    like moving at the waist and twisting your head side to side theirs medial and lateral rotation.
  49. synoovial joint movement
    plane hinge pivot and ball and socket joints
  50. plane joints
    flat and slight curved back and fourth side to side movement and may rotatate against one another they are biaxial and some are triaxial. example intercarpal joints.
  51. hinge joint
    produce an opening and closing motion like that of a hinge door is uniaxail movement
  52. pivot joints
    uniaxial it allows rotation only around longitudinal axis
Card Set
anatomy and physiology
ch.9 joints