Upper GI

  1. erosive esophagitis/GERD( Kapidex)
    • 60mg qd up to 8 weeks
    • maintenance- 30mg qd for up to 6 months
    • (Not for children)
  2. NERD ( Kapidex)
    • 30mg qd for 4 weeks
    • (Not for children)
  3. GERD/ Erosive esophagitis (Nexium)
    • 20-40mg qd x 4 to 8 weeks ( may repeat)
    • maintenance- 20mg qd for up to six months
    • IV: 20-40mg qd up to 10days
  4. NERD ( Nexium)
    20mg qd x 4 weeks ( may repeat)
  5. ZES ( nexium)
    • 40mg BID
    • maintenance- individualized, up to 240mg administered
  6. NSAID-induced ulcer prophylaxis (Nexium)
    20-40mg qd up to 6 months
  7. NSAID-induced ulcer prophylaxis (Prevacid)
    15mg qd up to 12 weeks
  8. NSAID-induced ulcer ( Prevacid)
    30mg qd for 8 weeks
  9. NERD ( Prevacid)
    15mg qd up to 8 weeks
  10. Errosive esophagitis/GERD (Prevacid)
    • 30mg qd up to 8 weeks ( May repeat)
    • Maintenance- 15mg qd
  11. ZES ( Prevacid)
    60mg qd ( doses >120mg should be divided)
  12. Duodenal Ulcers (Prevacid)
    • 15mg qd for 4 weeks
    • maintenance- 15mg qd
  13. Gastric Ulcer (Prevacid)
    30mg qd up to 8 weeks
  14. GAstric ulcer (Prilosec)
    40mg qd for 4 -8 weeks
  15. NERD ( Prilosec)
    20mg qd for up to 4 weeks
  16. GERD/erosive esophagitis ( Prilosec)
    • 20mg qd for 4-8 weeks
    • maintenance- 20mg qd up to 12 weeks
  17. Hypersecretory conditions/ ZES ( Prilosec)
    60mg qd ( doses >80mg should be divided0
  18. Heartburn ( Prilosec)
    20mg qd for 14 days
  19. Duodenal Ulcers ( Prilosec)
    20mg qd for 4 to 8 weeks
  20. GERD/ Erosive esophagitis ( Protonix, Somac)
    • oral: 40mg qd up to 8 weeks
    • maintenance - 40mg qd
    • IV: 40mg qd for 7-10 days
    • (Not for children)
  21. Hypersecretory conditions/ ZES ( Protonix, Somac)
    • oral: 40mg bid ( up to 240mg/day used)
    • IV: 80mg bid up to 7 days
    • ( adjust dose based on acid output measurements)
    • (Not for children)
  22. GERD/ Erosive esophagitis (Aciphex)
    • 20mg qd for 4 to 8 weeks ( may repeat)
    • maintenane - 20mg qd up to 12 months
    • (Not for children)
  23. NERD (Aciphex)
    • 20mg qd for 4 weeks ( may repeat)
    • (Not for children)
  24. Duodenal ulcers (Aciphex)
    • 20mg qd for 4 weeks
    • (Not for children)
  25. Hypersecretory Conditions/ ZES (Aciphex)
    • 60mg qd ( up to 100mg qd or 60mg BID used for up to 1 year)
    • (Not for children)
  26. GERD (reglan)
    10-15mg up to qid 30 mins before a meal and HS
  27. Motion Sickness ( Meclizine)
    oral: 12.5-25mg 1 hour before travel; repeat q 12-24 hours prn ( can inc. to 50mg prn)
  28. Vertigo ( Meclizine)
    oral; 25-100mg/day in divided doses
  29. CINV regimens (Dolasetron)
    • 20mg/ml inj;
    • 50-100mg tabs
  30. CINV Treatment
    • 5HT3 antagonist
    • Benzamides
    • cannabinoids
    • NK1 receptor antagonist
    • serotonin antagonist
  31. PONV Treatment
    • Anticholinergics
    • Benzamides
    • Butyrophenones
    • NK1 antagonist
    • Phenothiazines
    • Serotonin antagonist
Card Set
Upper GI
DSM exam 3