Head and Neck Anatomy:
Skull – 6 bones; protects brain & sensory organs; immobile/fixed
Face –14 bones give shape; immobile except mandible; CN’s V(trigeminal - both) ; VII - (Facial - both) temporal artery behind eyes and ears
- Neck – C1-7 with C7 most prominent; sternocleidomastoid & trapezius muscles; blood vessels
- (jugular veins & carotid arteries)
Larynx – voice box above trachea; thyroid cartilage or “Adam’s apple” protects larynx Hyoid bone = U-shaped bone at base of mandible that anchors tongue & only bone doesn’t articulate with another in body
- Thyroid Gland – largest endocrine
- gland in front of trachea; regulates cell metabolism
Cardiovascular/Lymphatic Structures – supraclavicular drains abd. & thoracic areas
Head & Neck Chief Complaints
Headaches (migraine, tension, luster, tumors)
Dizziness/Syncope (loss of contiousness) - cardiac, neuro, or inner ear problem
Neck Pain or Stiffness (esp. suddenly with temp & HA = meningitis)
Hoarseness/voice change
Neck Mass (lump or lesion) with decreased range of motion
- Thyroid Disorders (change in skin or hair): Hypo or
- Hyperthyroid
“OLDCARTS” mnemonic - onset, location, duration, characteristics, aggravating/alleviating factors, related s/s, tried treatments & severity 0 to 10 scale
Head & Neck: Health History
- Past Medical History:
- Surgeries to head, neck, or thyroid
- History of chronic headaches, falls
- Chronic diseases (HT, DM, hypothyroid)
- Radiation to neck
- Medications
- Family History
- Autoimmune disorders (thyroid disease, type I diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, myasthenia gravis)
- Family member with hypertension or migraine headaches?
- Family history of head or neck cancer
Head & Neck: Lifestyle and Health Practices
- Use of tobacco & alcohol
- Preventative practices (helmets & seatbelts)
- Recreational activities/contact sports
- Interference with ADL’s
- Risk factors for traumatic brain injury
Head & Neck Physical Exam
- Inspect, palpate skull (firm & nontender) -
- Normocephalic
- - appropriately proportioned
- Microcephalic
- - small head
- Macrocephalic - large head
- Inspect facial features, symmetry, & appropriateness of facial expression - Facial features calm plus alert & oriented
- Cranial nerve VII (facial - both) -tongue (salt, sugar, lemon) raise eyebrows, purse lips, stick out tongue, close eyes tightly, show teeth, puff cheeks
- Facial drooping - CVA or Bell’s palsy
Inspect, palpate, & auscultate temporal arteries - temporal artery is elastic and not tender
- Inspect, palpate bony structures of face
- Tenderness = Sinus infection
- Acromegaly -enlarged bony structure due to increased growth hormones
Palpate temporomandibular joint for movement or tenderness/pain - no swelling, tenderness, or crepitation with movement - mouth opens fully (3 to 6 cm) & moves laterally 1-2 cm each direction
- Inspect neck for positioning and range of motion (midline trachea, sternocleidomastoid & trapezius)
- Torticollis = “wry” neck due to muscle spasm/ contraction
- ROM: flex, extend, lateral & rotate
Palpate neck/trachea: midline position not deviated; check neck against resistance - Neck resistance 0-5+ (musculoskeletal) & shrug shoulders against resistance (CN XI, spinal accessory- motor)
Physical Examination :Thyroid Gland
Inspect anterior neck for thyroid enlargement below cricoid cartilage
- Palpate thyroid gland (swallow) -
- Posterior approach
- Anterior approach
- Flex neck slightly forward and to the side you are examining
- Push the trachea over to one side then the other
- Thyroid = size of thumb pad, right lobe larger than left; May not be felt
- Ausculate thyroid only if enlarged (bruit/bell)
Physical Examination: Lymph Nodes
- Inspect/palpate regional lymph nodes
- Enlarged, tender, and firm but movable suggests infection
- Unilateral, hard, asymmetric, fixed, nontender suggests malignancy
- Lymphadenopathy > 1 cm
- Regional lymphadenopathy
Generalized lymphadenopathy (AIDS)
Head & Neck Lymph Nodes
- Preauricular = in front ear high
- Postauricular = behind ear high
- Occipital = base skull / back neck
- Parotid = anterior ear lobe
- Tonsillar = below ear/jaw level behind
- Submandibular = under jaw
- Sublingual=between jaw & chin
- Submental = under chin
- Cervical = along sternocleidomastoid (anterior & posterior cervical chains in neck)
- Supraclavicular = below clavicle (bad if enlarged as drains from abd. & thorax, esp. left side)
- Check on lymph nodes:
- Size & shape (< 1 cm & pea shaped)
- Delimitation (discrete boundaries v. confluent/merge)
- Mobility (mobile in infection v. fixed in CA)
- Consistency (soft v. CA is hard & firm esp. unilateral)
- Tenderness (tender with infection v. nontender/painless with CA)
Elderly Variations: Head/Neck
- Neck pain with decreased ROM due to arthritis
- Facial wrinkles from less SQ fat with prominent nose
- Mouth drawn inward from mandibular reabsorption
- Head position more forward & downward
- Cervical curvature with kyphosis
- Women with “dowager hump” from vertebrae degeneration
- Extrapyramidal invol. head movements
- Thyroid nodular with fibrosis from aging
- Lymph nodes more fibrotic & fatty
Classification of Headaches:
Migraine-throbbing unilat., pain begins with aura (smells); photophobia & nausea due to vasospasm; esp. women
- Cluster-unilat. intense pain in eye (burning, stabbing) lasts daily for weeks then remission for months; esp. young
- men & ETOH
Tension-bilat. front or back of head due to stress; viselike tight band around head (dull, aching); esp. women; relief analgesics - aggrivated by activity
Tumor-related-morning HA subsiding in day; N&V; location varies; aggravated by moving
Risk Factors: Headaches
- Risk Factors for Headaches:
- Stress/anxiety
- Visual disturbances
- Medication side effects
- Alcohol (sulfites in wine)
- Smoking
- Lights
- Family history of migraines or headaches
- Trigger foods: chocolate, dairy products, fruits, coffee, nitrates (bacon), Chinese (monosodium glutamate), caffeinated beverages
Risk Factors: Thyroid Disease
- Thyroid Disease Risk Factors:
- Autoimmune disease family history
- Family history thyroid cancer
- Gender-females with more nodules (hyper), yet males with more thyroid cancer
- Radiation exposure to head or neck
Hyperthyroidism =
Increased thyroid hormone due to autoimmune disorder (Graves’ disease)
- Enlarged thyroid
- + Bruit from goiter
- Tachycardia
- Weight loss yet increased appetite
- Muscle tremor
- Fine hair & hair loss
- Warm skin with increased perspiration
- Exophthalmos = bulging eyes
Decreased production of hormone due to autoimmune or iodine deficiency
- Goiter as compensatory response
- Fatigue/lethargy
- Bradycardia
- Weight gain with decreased appetite
- Slow movements/muscle aches
- Dry, brittle hair with flaky skin
- Cold intolerance
TSH - thyroid stimulating hormore - will be up because the body is trying to compensate
Synthroid early in the morning - normal circadian rhythem - body distributes hormones early morning (6am)
Thyroid Nodules Compared
- Benign:
- Adult, More prevalent in females
- Slow growth
- + Family history
- No change in voice
- More than one
- No lymphatic involvement
- Malignant:
- Adult, More prevalent in males
- Rapid growth
- No family history,
- Hoarseness, dysphagia
- One Nodule, may have + lymph node involvement
- Repeated x-ray exams
Head & Neck Nursing Diagnoses:
- Risk for head trauma RT lack of protective gear (helmets & seatbelts)
- Ineffective tissue perfusion to brain
- Impaired swallowing RT decreased gag reflex
- Activity intolerance RT hypothyroidism
- Imbalanced nutrition, less than required RT hyperthyroidism/hypermetabolism
- Imbalanced nutrition, more than required RT hypothyroidism
- Risk for infection RT lymphadenopathy
Anatomy & Physiology: Nose Functions -
- Humidifies, filters & warms air
- 3 turbinates provide heat & water exchange
- Lined with cilia (nasal hairs) that trap particles from getting into lungs
- Identifies odors (CN I – Olfactory)
- Gives resonance to voice
- Kiesselbach’s area – nasal septum with blood supply
- Kiesselbach’s area for most nose
- bleeds (front/anterior nasal septum with rich blood supply esp. veins)
- However, posterior bleeds (epistaxis) more
- severe as difficult to pack
Anatomy & Physiology: Mouth & Throat
- Tongue – dorsal surface with taste buds (sweet, sour, bitter, salty); ventral surface vascular
- Teeth: 20 deciduous (baby teeth)
- 32 permanent teeth
- Salivary glands – 3 pairs:
- Parotid – in front ears above mandible
- Submandibular – under mandible
- Sublingual – floor of mouth
- Oropharynx – structures in back mouth
- Uvula – suspended midline
- Tonsils – lymphoid tissue
A&P: Pharynx/Throat
- Throat (Pharynx) structures
- Hard anterior palate (roof)
- Soft posterior palate
- Uvula
- Tonsils (protect against infection) – palatine, lingual, pharyngeal (adenoids)
Anatomy & Physiology: Paranasal Sinuses
- Bilateral air-filled cavities that make skull lighter
- 4 sets:
- Frontal – above eyebrows
- Maxillary – either side of nose by cheekbones (drain supine—not upright)
- Ethmoid – bridge of nose
- Sphenoid – behind ethmoid to ear
Present History/Chief Complaint (“OLDCARTS”)
- Nasal Discharge
- Yellow-green = bacterial infection
- Bloody = neoplasm or trauma
- Clear, watery = allergies or CSF
- Foul smelling & unilateral discharge = foreign body
- Sinus congestion – pain in eyes & front teeth
- Epistaxis (bloody nose)
- Mouth pain/lesions – TMJ, gingival disease, herpes, dental problems
- Throat problems -
- Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
- Sore throat – nasal congestion, dust & pollen
- Hoarseness
Health History :Past History & Family Hx.
- Past Medical History – oral or nasal surgeries for tonsils, polyps, teeth extractions, broken nose, etc.; history of
- sinus infections; Chronic illnesses (nasal polyps with C.F., mouth lesions with herpes simplex, & dysphagia with CVA)
Family History – allergies or allergic rhinitis; any mouth, throat, nose or sinus cancer
Health History of Nose, Mouth, Sinuses & Throat
- Life Style & Health Practices:
- Tobacco (smoking & smokeless)
- Alcohol use
- Bruxism/teeth grinding
- Mouthcare – last dental visit; halitosis; brush, floss, brush tongue; lip screen; dentures fit
Physical Exam Areas:
- Nose (external & internal)
- Lips
- Teeth
- Sinuses
- Mouth & Tongue
- Tonsils & Uvula
Examine Nose, Sinuses, Mouth & Throat:
Inspect & palpate nose for general appearance, symmetry, tenderness, discharge; rhinophyma
Assess nose for patency & evaluate olfactory nerve (CN I – smells, anosmia (can't small very well)
Inspect internal nasal cavity (mucosa, turbinates & septum) with light source
Examine Nose, Sinuses, Mouth & Throat:
Inspect & palpate nose for general appearance, symmetry, tenderness, discharge; rhinophyma
Assess nose for patency & evaluate olfactory nerve (CN I – smells, anosmia)
Inspect internal nasal cavity (mucosa, turbinates & septum) with light source
Exam: Sinuses, Lips & Mouth
- Palpate frontal & maxillary sinus areas for tenderness
- Transilluminate the sinus areas
- (no illumination = congested or not developed)
- Inspect lips for color, symmetry, moisture & texture
- Inspect & palpate teeth for condition, color, stability & alignment (CN VII, facial for clench teeth & smile)
- Inspect & palpate inner lips & gingiva (gums) for tenderness, color & moisture
Examination of Mouth & Tongue
- Inspect buccal (cheek) mucosa for color & characteristics (coral to pink color)
- Leukoplakia – white patches due to Candida
- Erythroplakia – red patches on oral mucosa
- Inspect tongue for movement, color & texture (stick out tongue; dorsal rough, ventral smooth)
- Beefy- red = vit. B deficiency
- Yel.-brown hairy = antibiotics, pipe, steroids, excess mouthwash
- Enlarged = mental retardation/Down’s Syndrome or
- hypothyroidism
- Longitudinal fissures = dehydration
Examine Uvula, Soft Palate, & Tonsils
Inspect & palpate uvula for texture, color, & surface characteristics (Asians & Amer. Ind.split)
Inspect movement of soft palate “ah” with tongue blade (CN IX glossopharyngeal & CN X vagus)
Inspect posterior wall of pharynx & tonsils for color & surface characteristics (pink, irreg.)
- 0 = no tonsils
- 1+ = visibly swollen
- 2+ = halfway between pillars & uvula
- 3+ = tonsils nearly touch uvula
- 4+ = “kissing” tonsils (touch one another)
Age Variations: Elderly
- Larger nose due to unabated cartilage formation
- Coarser nasal hair with less filtering more colds
- Decrease smell due to less sensory cells in nose
- Decrease taste buds/perception
- Problems swallowing/dysphagia
- Teeth darken/stain with enamel
- Decrease gingival tissue as less elastic so more bleeding gums
- Xerostomia (dry mouth)
- Varicose veins on ventral surface of tongue
Oropharyngeal Cancer=
- Slow growing squamous cell cancer
- Signs & Symptoms –
- Nonhealing ulcerated sore on lower lip
- Leukoplakia (white) or erythroplakia (red) patches
- Painless, nonhealing ulcer
- Later a mass, bleeding, loose teeth & dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
Oropharyngeal Cancer: Risk Factors -
- Tobacco (90% smokers)
- Excess alcohol (75 – 80%)
- Excess sun exposure (lip CA)
- Diet low in vitamins A, C & E
- Poorly fitting dentures
- Gender: males 2X > females
- Race esp. African Americans
- Age > 40 yrs. (peaks ages 64-74 yrs.)
- Previous history of cancer, or immuno-suppression
- Ethnicity
Gingivitis =
Inflammation of gums usually due to poor dental hygiene
- Hyperplasia of gums
- Erythema & bleeding (painless)
- Progresses to Pyorrhea (periodontitis) with loss of supporting bone, inflammation & erosion of gum tissue & loose teeth
Infection of tonsils usually due to beta-hemolytic streptococci
- Sore throat
- Odynophagia (pain with swallowing)
- Fever/chills
- Tender cervical lymph nodes
- Enlarged, erythema tonsils with white or yellow exudate
Nursing Diagnoses for Nose, Mouth & Sinuses:
- Readiness for enhanced management of teeth & gums
- Risk for aspiration RT decreased gag reflex
- Risk for infection of gums or tonsillitis
- Disturbed sensory perception RT smell (CN I) & taste (CN VII & IX)
- Pain RT sinusitis
- Impaired Swallowing RT dysphagia
- Impaired oral mucous membranes