GMAT English - terminology

  1. Noun
    word that is a person, place, thing or idea
  2. Verb
    Used to expres action
  3. Adjective
    Modifies the noun

    Ex: Sue quickly opened the big box of chocolates
  4. Adverb
    Modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb

    Ex: Sue quickly opened the big box of chocolates
  5. Preposition
    Notes the relation of a noun to an action or a thing

    Ex: Sue quickly opened the big box of chocolates
  6. Phrase
    acting as a single part of speech; missing either subject or a verb, or both
  7. Prepositional phrase
    group of words beginning with a preposition

    Ex: Sue quickly opened the big box of chocolates

    -acts like an adjective by modifying box
  8. Pronoun
    takes place of a noun
  9. Clause
    Group of words that contains a subject and a verb

    Example: Because she was famished, Sue quickly opened the big box of chocolates.

    - Independent - main idea & can stand by itself

    - Dependent - subject and & verb (but can't stand by itself)
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GMAT English - terminology
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