social psychology terms(notes) exam 2

  1. nature
    genetics or inherited tendencies present at conception
  2. nurture
    learned or acquired after conception
  3. evolutionary psychology
    addresses changes in a species over time
  4. natural selection
    survival of the fittest example: peacock tail feathers
  5. sexual selection
    survival of the preferred
  6. "human nature"
    modern humans inherited brains, bodies, and instincts designed for an earlier era
  7. Young male syndrome
    • young males advertise their fitness or risk
    • hunter gatherer risks: fast water, gravity, foods, creatures, weather, human conflict
    • modern risks: electricity, internet, plagiarism, hazardous chemicals
  8. cultural norms
    • vary from culture to culture
    • unwritten standards for accepted and expected public behavior
  9. social roles
    one's relative position in an interpersonal relationship ex. student, girlfriend, co-worker
  10. relative
    roles change as we change interpersonal situations
  11. conformity
    change of behaviors or beliefs because of real or imagined social pressure
  12. compliance
    change behavior, but don't change belief, acting but privately disagreeing
  13. obedience
    directed to act by authority figure
  14. acceptance/persuasion
    acting and agreeing with a message
  15. conformity longer definition
    • changing one's thoughts, feelings, or behaviors without being urged to change
    • monkey see, monkey do (freely)
  16. Mazafer Sherif's study
    • autokinetic effect
    • dark room, observe how far the beam of light moved, day 1: alone, day 2: 2 other participants, over time conformity increased
  17. Solomon Asch's study
    a comparison line with three other lines and you were supposed to figure out which line out of the three lines was the same length as the comparison line
  18. compliance
    • change behavior but not beliefs or feelings, because one is urged to change
    • monkey urged, monkey do (reluctantly)
  19. obedience example
    example: Milgram's electric shock experiment
  20. informational social influence
    we assume others know the best answer, feeling or action, you think that they know something that you don't know, and we follow the actions of others because we want to be right
  21. normative social influence
    we don't want to be scorned by others, we follow others simply because we want to be liked
  22. obedience
    monkey urged, monkey does reluctantly
  23. persuasion
    when a message causes a change in beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors
  24. what are the two models of persuasion?
    The Yale model and dual process model(aka Petty and Cacippo's dual process model, or elaboration-likelihood model)
  25. central route (dual process model)
    • brainy, logical
    • when persuasion comes from a careful consideration of arguments, leading to enduring agreement
  26. peripheral route (dual process model)
    • Tv and radio commericals
    • when factors other than the message affect persuasion, often only temporarily
  27. central route
    comes from careful consideration of the arguments, leading to enduring agreement
  28. Does repeating a message help or hurt persuasion?
    • depends on message strength and message complexity
    • and on how motivated and able the recipients are to process the message
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social psychology terms(notes) exam 2
social psychology terms (notes) exam 2