Glaucoma Ch 3b

  1. SWAP stands for
    What type of perimetery is SWAP?
    stimulus color
    background color
    • Short Wavelength Automated Perimetry
    • blue yellow
    • blue
    • yellow
  2. FDT stands for?
    What type of perimetry is FDT?
    What is this type of perimetry thought to test preferentially?
    • Frequency Doubling Technology
    • low spatial frequency sinusoidal grating undergoing rapid phrase reversal flicker
    • M cells
  3. Define the following?
    a) Suprathreshold
    b) Kinectic
    c) static
    d) isopter
    e) depression
    f) scotoma
    • a) differential light sensitivity at which stimulus is seen 50% of the time
    • b) brighter than threshold- use for screening
    • target moved from area not seen to area where it is seen
    • c) stationary stimulus presented at various locations with changes in brightness..(size, duration)
    • d) line on visual field representation
    • e) decrease in retinal sensitivity
    • f) areas of decreased retinal sensitivity
  4. Size of stimulus
    • 0=1/16
    • 1=1/4
    • 2=1
    • 3=4
    • 4=16
    • 5-64
  5. How does full threshold strategy determine retinal sensitivity at each point
    inital 4-dB steps until threshold is crossed than recrosses using 2dB to recheck and refine
  6. What is the difference b/w SITA and older tests?
    SITA standard yields higher values for differential light sensitivity
  7. a) Average time for SITA standard v/s Full threshold
    b) Average time for SITA fast v/s SITA standard
    c) Which test is not for glaucoma patients
    • a) 50% reduction
    • b) 30% reduction
  8. Which reliability index can possibly mean glaucomatous damage instead of poor reliability?
    false negatives
  9. STATPAC 2 is only for glaucoma and compares ______?
    points above and below horizontal midline
  10. a) SWAP----Sensitivity to blue is mediated by
    b) Frequency doubling technology (FDT) measures
    c) What type of temporal frequency and spatial frequency does FDT test?
    • a) small subset ganglion cells with large receptive files with little overlap & large axon diameters
    • b) contrast detection for frequency double test targets-
    • c) high temporal frequency
    • low spatial
  11. How is progression noted?
    • deepening by >7dB
    • enlargement by >9dB
    • new by >11dB or 2 adjacent areas by >5dB
Card Set
Glaucoma Ch 3b
Visual Fields