2010.03 종로 Day 3_수정.txt

  1. relapse
    1. a period of illness after you had been getting better: 50% of patients suffered a relapse within one year. 2. a return to your previous character or behaviour, especially a bad one.
  2. relapse
    1. to become ill again after you had been getting better. 2. to return to your previous character or behaviour: Annie shook her head and relapsed into silence again.
  3. skip
    to depart from quickly and secretly: skipped town
  4. accessory
    someone who helps a criminal, for example by hiding them from the police. An accessory before the fact helps before the crime. An accessory after the fact helps after the crime: He was sentenced for being an accessory to the murder.
  5. accomplice
    someone who helps another person to do something illegal or wrong: She's serving life for acting as an accomplice to murder.
  6. step up to the plate
    to take responsibility for doing something, even though it is difficult: It's time they stepped up to the plate and took responsibility for their actions.
  7. hook up
    1. to connect two pieces of electrical or electronic equipment together, or to connect a piece of equipment to a computer or power supply: He hooked the microphone up to a tape recorder.
  8. hook up
    2. if you hook up to a place or to the Internet, or if you hook something up, you become connected to it through your computer: hooking up classrooms to the Internet. I can hook up to the library from my computer.
  9. hook up
    3. to connect something to a piece of equipment, especially using a hook.
  10. hook up
    4. if two people hook up, they start a relationship together, or they start doing something together
  11. toast
    an occasion when people all drink together and say someone's name in order to express their admiration or their good wishes: We drank a toast to the happy couple. He proposed a toast to the marketing team.
  12. subtle
    delicate and complicated in an attractive way: intricate and subtle patterns
  13. courtship
    1. the period of time when a man and a woman have a romantic relationship with each other, before they get married. 2. the behaviour of animals who are trying to attract a sexual partner. 3. an attempt to get someone's support, especially in business or politics: their courtship of Japanese investors
  14. perseverance
    a determined attitude that makes you continue trying to achieve something difficult: Excellent marks are a result of hard work and perseverance.
  15. in the face of something
    in a situation where you have to deal with something unpleasant or difficult: They won in the face of stiff competition from all over the country.
  16. in kind
    reacting to something someone has done by doing the same thing: After recent bombings, counter-terrorist forces could retaliate in kind.
  17. pay off
    if something that you do pays off, it brings you some benefit: All those weeks of studying will pay off when you take the exam.
  18. tabloid
    a newspaper with fairly small pages mostly containing stories about famous people and not much serious news. More serious newspapers are called broadsheets, which have bigger pages, or compacts.
  19. buzz
    if a place or group of people is buzzing, there is a lot of noise or activity: Normally the house was buzzing with cheerful conversation. a classroom buzzing with activity
  20. fiery
    1. MAINLY LITERARY burning or full of flames: a fiery pit
  21. fiery
    2. becoming angry very easily and quickly: a fiery temper. 3. speaking with great emotion. 4. very bright in colour, especially bright red, orange, or yellow. 5. food that is fiery makes your mouth feel very hot when you eat it: a fiery chilli sauce
  22. affair
    a sexual relationship between two people, especially when one of them is married to someone else: Her husband denied that he was having an affair.
  23. anguished
    suffering great physical or emotional pain: She gave an anguished cry and collapsed.
  24. unfounded
    not supported with facts or evidence: These allegations are totally unfounded.
  25. come someone's way
    if something comes your way, it happens to you, or it becomes available: Several chances came our way but we missed them.
  26. bring on or bring upon
    to make something bad happen to someone: He accused her of bringing shame and disgrace on the family.
  27. go by the name of something
    to use a particular name, especially when it is not your real name: a young singer who went by the name of Joni Jones
  28. bombshell
    1. bomb. 2. an event or piece of news that is unexpected and shocking: The announcement of job losses came as an absolute bombshell. Anna suddenly dropped the bombshell that she was resigning. 3. a sexually attractive woman
  29. steamy
    1. very hot and often full of steam. 2. sexually exciting: a steamy love scene
  30. speak volumes
    to provide a lot of information, especially in an indirect way: His silence on the issue speaks volumes.
  31. back out
    to decide not to do something you agreed to do: I promised to help and I'm not backing out now. We're hoping that no one will back out of the deal.
  32. wholesome
    1. wholesome food is food that is good for you: wholesome home-cooked meals. 2. considered to have a good influence on people, for example because it does not involve sex or drugs: wholesome family entertainment. The party are hoping her wholesome image will appeal to voters.
  33. outlaw
    a criminal, especially one who moves from place to place to avoid being caught: the legendary outlaw Robin Hood
  34. pairing
    1. the act of making two people do something together or of putting two things together. 2. a pair of people or things
  35. marital
    relating to marriage: marital problems/difficulties
  36. it shows/goes to show
    used for saying that a particular fact is proved by what has happened: It just goes to show that you can never trust journalists.
  37. hit/strike home
    if something that you say hits or strikes home, people understand it and accept it: The President struck home with his call for responsible saving.
  38. bomb
    1. failure, flop: the play was a bomb. 2. British: a great success. 3. slang: one that is striking or extraordinary, used with "the": their new album is the bomb.
  39. take a chance or take chances (on)
    to do something even though it involves risk: Lorraine didn't know me but she took a chance on my honesty. It is just not worth taking any chances.
  40. deceive
    to trick someone by behaving in a dishonest way: He was deceived into giving them all his money. Don't be deceived - she's not as nice as she seems.
  41. fall for someone
    to be very attracted to someone and to start to love them: He fell for Rosie when he was in hospital and she was his nurse.
  42. fall for something
    to believe that a trick or a joke is true: How could you fall for such an obvious trick?
  43. tear apart
    to make someone feel very sad, upset, or worried: It just tears me apart to see you suffering like this.
  44. misbehave
    if a child misbehaves, or if they misbehave themselves, they behave badly and annoy or upset people
  45. shatter
    to break something suddenly into a lot of small pieces: The blast shattered windows over a wide area. One of his knees had been shattered by a bullet.
  46. spatter
    if you spatter a surface with a liquid, or if a liquid spatters onto a surface, small drops of the liquid are thrown onto the surface in a violent way: When the police arrived, they found the bathroom spattered with blood. He had spattered spaghetti sauce all over the kitchen.
  47. bitty
    made up of many small parts that do not fit together well: I found the novel too bitty.
  48. itty-bitty or itsy-bitsy
    very small
  49. finders keepers (losers weepers)
    used for saying that if you have found something accidentally, you are allowed to keep it
  50. lead someone on
    to encourage someone to do something or to expect something, especially by lying to them or promising them something that they cannot have: I hope he's not just leading her on, because I'd hate to see her look foolish.
  51. keep it real
    to not be fake. be yourself: I'm keeping it real.
  52. karma
    a belief in Hinduism and Buddhism that the way in which you behaved in past lives affects your present life, and the way in which you behave in this life will affect your future lives
  53. get someone back
    • to do something to hurt or upset someone because they have done something to hurt or upset youflesh and blood
    • used for saying that someone has the same qualities that all people share, especially qualities that limit what people are capable of: The endless noise is more than flesh and blood can stand. They now realize that their hero is, after all, only flesh and blood.
  54. someone's (own) flesh and blood
    someone's relative: She's your own flesh and blood - how can you treat her like that?
  55. not give a shit
    to not care at all about someone or something: not give a hoot/two hoots, not give a toss, not give/care a damn,
  56. war
    The negotiations failed, and war now seemed inevitable. the ever-present threat of nuclear war. They have been at war for five years. Let's hope they can find a solution without going to war. I volunteered for the Navy when war broke out. When Poland was invaded, the Allies had no choice but to declare war.
  57. naive
    a naive person lacks experience of life and tends to trust other people and believe things too easily: a naive 17-year-old
  58. disassemble
    to take something apart in order to repair it or understand how it works
  59. ruthless
    willing to make other people suffer so that you can achieve your aims: a ruthless dictator/killer, She showed a ruthless determination to succeed in her career.
  60. abort
    1. to stop something before it is finished, for example because it would be difficult or dangerous to continue: The mission had to be aborted because of a technical problem.
  61. abort
    2. if you abort a computer program, or if it aborts, the computer stops doing something before it is finished: Press Enter to abort the printing.
  62. abort
    3. to remove a developing baby from a woman's body, so that it is not born alive, or to be removed in this way: The decision was taken to abort the foetus. Certain drugs may cause the foetus to abort.
  63. assault
    1. a physical attack on someone, or the crime of physically attacking someone: an assault on a young student. He was charged with assault. guilty of indecent assault
  64. assault
    2. an attack by the armed forces: a NATO air assault. the assault on Pohang-dong, an assault rifle/vehicle/weapon
  65. assault
    3. a strong criticism: The article was a vicious assault on Bell's integrity. 4. a serious attempt to achieve something difficult
  66. infiltrate
    1. to secretly join an organization or go into a place in order to find out information about it or damage it: Government agents had been infiltrating paramilitary groups. plans to prevent rebels from infiltrating into the country.
  67. infiltrate
    2. to become a feature of something gradually, without anyone noticing: the way that technology has infiltrated our daily lives
  68. undermine
    1. to dig under something, especially so that it becomes weaker
  69. undermine
    2. to make something or someone become gradually less effective, confident, or successful: Business confidence was undermined by a series of major failures. Their trading position has been seriously undermined by the minister's remarks. Britain was accused of undermining international efforts to reduce pollution.
  70. undermine
    3. to deliberately say or do things that make someone appear less impressive or less important: They had spoken secretly to journalists in an effort to undermine the leadership.
  71. as of/as from
    used for saying that something will start to happen on a particular day, and will continue after that day: As of 6th April 1999, all gifts to charities will be free of tax. As from today, the bank will be open for business from 9.30 am.
  72. relieve
    1. to make pain or another bad physical feeling less unpleasant: Use a cooling gel to relieve the discomfort of sunburn. Your headaches can easily be relieved by regular aspirin.
  73. relieve
    2. to make a situation less boring: Reading helped to relieve the boredom while he was ill. 3. to make a problem or bad situation less serious: The scheme is designed to relieve traffic congestion on the main routes into the city.
  74. relieve
    3. to replace someone when they finish work: The night guards arrived to relieve the daytime crew.
  75. lean
    lean meat has very little fat in it: a lean cut of beef
  76. bust
    an occasion when the police go into a place to search it for illegal goods or activities, especially those relating to drugs
  77. bust
    1. to break or damage something very badly: I busted my knee playing basketball. Thieves busted the lock and damaged the sliding door.
  78. bust
    2. if someone is busted, they are arrested, especially for offences relating to drugs: He's been busted for drug trafficking.
  79. bust
    3. if the police bust a place, they search it for illegal goods or activities, especially those relating to drugs
  80. busted
    discovered doing something that you should not be doing or saying something that is not true
  81. tongue
    1. MUSIC to produce a musical note on a wind instrument by using your tongue to prevent air from flowing through it for a short time. 2. to touch someone or something with your tongue, especially in order to make them sexually excited
  82. cot
    camp bed: a small light bed that you can fold
  83. bare
    bare walls, surfaces etc have no covering or decoration: a room with peeling wallpaper and bare floorboards. a bare light bulb
  84. own
    • 1. to beat someone at a game. 2. to be better at someonepacifier
    • 1. someone or something that is able to make people become peaceful or calm. 2. a baby's dummy
  85. formula
    baby milk
  86. crunch
    the loud noise that something hard makes when you bite it
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2010.03 종로 Day 3_수정.txt