Comparative test 3 (Set 12)

  1. _____ develops from the enlargement and differentiation of the rostral end of the neural tube.
  2. What are the three major subdivisions of the brain?
    • Procephalon
    • Mesencephalon
    • Rhombencephalon
  3. The prosencephalon has what two subdivisions?
    • Telencephalon
    • Diencephalon
  4. The mesencephalon has what two subdivisions?
    • Tectum
    • tegmentum
  5. The rhombencephalon has what two subdivisions?
    • metencephalon
    • myelencephalon
  6. What does the telencephalon include?
    • Olfactory bulbs
    • cerebral hemispheres
  7. What does the diensephalon include?
    • optic vesicle
    • infundibulum
    • median eye complex
    • epithalamus
    • thalamus
    • hypothalamus
  8. What does the tectum include?
    • Roof of the midbrain
    • optic lobes
  9. What does the tegmentum include?
    ventral part of midbrain
  10. What does the mentensephalon include?
    • cerebellum
    • rostral part of medulla (The pons in birds and mammals)
  11. What does the myelencephalon include?
    The medulla oblongata
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Comparative test 3 (Set 12)
Comparative anatomy lecture test number three.