4 Primary Visibility Factors
- 1. Size (relationship with the object determines the size)
- 2. Time (need time to assimilate the info)
- 3. Contrast (helps see more clearly)
- 4. Brightness (can make things visually important, fore. mid. background)
Color Characteristics in Pigments
- Pigments in solid colors are light absorbing
- Black - all pigments
- White - almost no pigments
Primary Colors in Pigments
- Color mixture in pigments is subtractive.
- Primary colors: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow
Color Characteristics in Light
- Color mixture in light is Additive (= white)
- Primary colors are red, blue, green
The eyes ability to focus on objects, small or far and near or large
The eyes ability to adjust to changing light condition
Visual Acuity
Ability to see something accurately (fine detail).
Visual Capacity
Ability to assimilate information, 5 things per second.
Life Time Vision/Aging Process
- Aging makes us lose our sensitivity, we need more light.
- Heathy eye adapts, older eye needs more light
Color Temperature and Unit of Measure
- The actual color tint appearance of a white light source is color temperature.
- The unit of measure is Kelvin.