Physics-Display Modes and Two-Dimensional Imaging

  1. What is the only display mode that provides information regarding reflector motion with respect to time?
  2. With A-mode, waht does the x-axis display?
    depth of the reflector
  3. With M-mode, what does the y-axis display?
    depth of the reflector
  4. Which mode provides the foundation for real-time, grayscale anatomic imaging?
    B-mode or brightness mode
  5. With A-mode, what does the y-axis display?
    amplitude of the reflected signal
  6. In M-mode, what does the x-axis display?
  7. With B-mode, which axis is related to the strength of the reflection?
    the z-axis is reflated to reflection strength
  8. True or False.
    Mechanical scanning produces pictures that rae similar in shape to linear phased array images.
  9. True or False.
    Many active elements fire at almost the same time in a mechanical scanner.
    • False
    • there is only one active element in a mechanical scanner
  10. True or False.
    Many active elements fire at almost the same time in a phased array scanner.
  11. Which of the following transducers is best described as mechanically steered and fixed, single focused?

    B. mechanical
  12. Which of the following is best described as mechanically steered and multi-focus?

    D. annular phased array transducer steer the sound beams mechanically and are multi-focused
  13. Which of the following transducers creates a rectangular shaped image?

    A. linear sequential array
  14. A linear phased array transducer has 128 crystals. How many of these crystals are fired to create a single sound beam?
    A. 1
    B. a small group
    C. a large goup
    D. 128
    • D 128
    • with linear phases array transducers, all of the active elements are fired to create each sound pulse
  15. A linear sequential array transducer has 128 crystals. HOw many of these crystals are fired to create a single sound beam?

    D. a small group
  16. In a linear phased array, what is the firing pattern that steers a beam up or down?
    electronic slope
  17. In linear phased array, what is the firing pattern that focuses a sound beam?
    electronic curvature
  18. True or False.
    There are large time delays in the firing pattern of a linear phased array transducer.
    • False
    • there are tiny time delays in the firing pattern of a linear phased array transducer.
  19. True or False.
    A machine that displays A-mode and two-dimensional images is called a duplex scanner.
    • False.
    • a machine that displays doppler and two-dimensional images is called a duplex scanner.
Card Set
Physics-Display Modes and Two-Dimensional Imaging
Display Modes and Two-Dimensional Imaging