fdsci 101

  1. Catastrophism
    Earth’s geologic record could be accounted for by aseries of brief, large-scale catastrophic events.
  2. Uniformitarianism
    the laws governing nature have remained uni-form through time.
  3. Relative Dating
  4. Original horizontality
    the sediments that make sedimentary rocks are originally deposited Original horizontalityin horizontal layers
  5. Principle of superposition
    older sedimentary rock units in an undisturbed sequence are found below younger units
  6. Principle of lateral continuity
    sdeimentary rock layers that have been seperated by erosion were once continuous
  7. Cross-cutting relationships
    a rock unit that is broken formed before the break in it did
  8. Inclusions
    the material wholly included inside a rock existed befefire the rock that surrounds it did.
  9. Fossil succession
    fossil remains could be used to identify layers of sedimentary deposits even if those layers are discontinuously spread over large areas.
  10. How do the principles of original
    horizontality, superposition, lateral continuity, cross-cutting
    relationships, inclusions, and fossil succession apply to relative dating?
  11. Why was catastrophism accepted by some people in the scientific community?
  12. Why is uniformitarianism a more
    effective explanation for geological processes that take place on earth
  13. What barriers inhibited the development of key ideas in geology?Are any of these barriers present today?
  14. Explain the difference between the two hypotheses of catastrophismand uniformitarianism.
  15. Who were the important people in the development of the principlesof relative dating and uniformitarianism?
  16. What is meant by “relative dating”?
  17. James Hutton
    developed the principle of uniformitarianism and presented his publication of the theory to the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1785.
  18. Charles Lyell
    wrote and published the foundational, three-volume, modern-day textbook in geology in the early 1830’s.
  19. What are macroscopic dating methods?
  20. Explain how the following macroscopic dating methods work: Tree rings,
    Glaciers, Glacial lake sediments.
  21. What is radiometric dating?
  22. How can radiometric dating be used to measure the age of different
  23. Explain how carbon-14 dating can be used to measure the age of organic
  24. Explain how the uranium-lead dating system works.
  25. Radiometric dating
  26. Absolute dating
  27. Macroscopic dating methods
  28. Initial daughter problem
Card Set
fdsci 101