Acid Base Chemistry

  1. Arrehenius Acids
    • Produce H+ ions in water
    • Have a sour taste
    • Turn litmus red

    HCl-->H+ + Cl-
  2. Arrhenius Bases
    • Produce OH- ions in water
    • Are soapy and slippery
    • Taste bitter or chalky
    • Turn litmus blue
  3. Bronsted-Lowry Acids
    Donate a proton (H+)

    HCl + H2O <-> H3O+ + Cl-

    HCl is the acid that donates H+
  4. Bronsted-Lowry Bases
    Accept a proton (H+)

    NH3 + H2O <-> NH4+ + OH-

    NH3 is the base that accepts H+
  5. Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs

    • HA + B <-> A- + BH+
    • /\-----------------/\
    • Pairs are related by the loss and gain of H+
    • 1 pair occurs in fwd direction other in rev
  6. Strong Acids
    • HCLO4 ---> CB = CLO4-
    • H2SO4 ---> CB = HSO4
    • HI ---> CB = I-
    • HBr ---> CB = Br-
    • HCl ---> CB = Cl-
    • HNO3 ---> CB = NO3-
  7. Strong Bases
    • Group 1A (alkali) and 2B (alkaline) Hydroxides
    • i.e.;
    • LiOH
    • NaOH
    • KOH
    • Mg(OH)2
    • Ca(OH)2
  8. pH at equivalent point
Card Set
Acid Base Chemistry
General Definitions, Concepts, and Equations used in Acid Base Chemistry