Module 3 and 4

  1. 1 foot= ?
    12 inches

    • 12 x (ft)= inches
    • 12 / (inch)= foot
  2. Gait
    Manner of walking
  3. Normal dystolic pressure for adult
  4. Appical pulse
    5th intercostal space at mid clavicular line
  5. Dypsnea
    Labored breathing
  6. Bradycardia
    • slow pulse
    • under 40 bpm
  7. Tackycardia
    Pulse greater then 100 bpm
  8. Steps for error on chart
    initial, date, line, correct entry
  9. what system is shortness of breath a part of
    respiratory system
  10. 1kg= ?

    • lbs/2.2=kg
    • kg x 2.2= lbs
  11. Ance
    Caused by blocked sebaceous glands
  12. pulmonary function test
    measures airflow, volume and capacity
  13. otitis media
    ear infection
  14. ear irrigation
    straighten up and pull back
  15. auricle
    outer ear
  16. vitreous humor
    gelatinous mass located behind lens of the eye
  17. accessory structures of the eye
    eyelashes, lacrimal duct, eyelids, extrinsic muscles
  18. cystitis
    • inflammation of urinary bladder
    • SYMPTOMS: frequency, burning, and urgnacy
  19. pulse oximetry test
    oxygen saturation in blood
  20. integumentary system
    blockage of sebaceous glad in acne
  21. cerumen
  22. ishihara test
    test for color vision
  23. conjuntivitis
    eye infection or pink eye
  24. adhesion
    abnormal band of fibrous tissue
  25. atrophy
    weakness or worn away
  26. myalgia
    muscle tenderness
  27. RLQ
    section of the abdomen. right lower quadrant
  28. gastr/o
  29. arthr/o
  30. tachypnea
    rapid respiration
  31. pneum/o
  32. neur/o
  33. knee-chest position
    chest down, butt up, legs on table
  34. lithotomy position
    stirrups- used for pelvic exam
  35. hypotension
    low blood pressure
  36. hypertension
    high blood pressure
  37. what system is shortness of breath a part of?
    respiratory system
  38. apnea
    no breathing
  39. dyspnea
    labored breathing
  40. bradypnea
    slow breathing
  41. carotid artery
    used for emergancys
  42. brachial artery
    used to get blood pressure
Card Set
Module 3 and 4
Chapters 11,12,13 and 18