Driving - Section B

  1. What is the meaning of safe driving?
    • Drive carefully
    • Drive safely
    • Avoid accidents
  2. What should you do while stopping at a junction?
    Put car in neutral gear
  3. Which of the following is TRUE while driving on a three-lane highway?

    I) Left lane for stopping, middle lane for slow driving, right lane for fast driving
    II) Left lane for fast driving, middle lane for overtaking, right lane for slow driving
    III) Left lane for slow driving, middle lane for fast driving, right lane for overtaking
    III) Left lane for slow driving, middle lane for fast driving, right lane for overtaking
  4. Accidents while reversing the vehicle could be avoided if the driver:
    Assesses the situation before entering the vehicle, checks the rear view and side view mirrors before reversing.
  5. When the green traffic light has turned yellow, you should:
    Slow down and stop the vehicle if past the stop line.
  6. A driver who practises safe driving would do the following:
    Plan the journey before departure.
  7. What is the maximum speed limit for a van on the highway?
    90 hm/h
  8. Traffic accidents that occur in rain conditions are mostly caused by:
    • Steering control
    • Malfunction of brakes / tyres
  9. What should you do if tailing another vehicle at night?
    • Stay a reasonable distance away
    • Dim headlights
  10. You and your family plan to go on a long journey, state the course of action done to avoid accidents:
    Plan journey appropriately
  11. State an attribute of a good driver:
    • Patient
    • Considerate
  12. What is the correct way to hold the steering wheel?
    Hold steering wheel with both hands, at clock postitions 10 and 2
  13. To stop the vehicle safely you should:
    • Check rear view mirror
    • Turn on indicator
    • Stop vehicle on left side of road
  14. According to the safety driving concept, list in sequence of importance the steps to avoid accidents:
    • 1. Identify
    • 2. Analyze
    • 3. Make decision
    • 4. Take action
  15. Collision with the car ahead of you can be avoided if you:
    Stay a suitable distance away from the car
  16. What should you do if your vehicle catches fire?
    • Switch off engine
    • Save passengers
    • Put out fire
  17. When approaching a pedestrian you should:
    Slow down your vehicle
  18. When driving downhill, you realize your brakes are not working. What should you do?
    Put the car into a low gear, use handbrake and turn off the engine.
  19. What is the distance rule applied to following another vehicle?
    2 second and 4 second rules.
  20. You wish to travel through a heavy traffic area during it's peak hour, how should you do this?
    Plan ahead look for alternative routes or pick a non peak time.
  21. According to studies, what is the probability of a drunk driver rather than a sober driver getting into an accident?
    25 times higher chance
  22. What should you not do if your vehicle is being overtaken?
    Speed up
Card Set
Driving - Section B