
  1. Reflection of a store's physical characteristics that are used to develop an image and draw customers. The concept is also applicable to nonstore retailers. (p. 508)
    Atmosphere (Atmospherics)
  2. Proactive, integrated approach to atmospherics taken by a retailer to create a certain "look,"properly display products, stimulate shopping, and enhance the physical environment. (p. 508)
    Visual Merchandising
  3. Total physical exterior of a store, including the marquee, entrances, windows, lighting, and construction materials. (p. 509)
  4. Sign used to display a store's name and/or logo. (p. 509)
  5. Awkward spaces where normal displays cannot be set up. (p. 514)
    Dead Areas
  6. Visual (graphical) representation of the space for selling, merchandise, personnel, and customers—as well as for product categories. (p. 515)
  7. Categorize and display a store's merchandise by common end use. (p. 515)
    Functional Product Groupings
  8. Appeal to the consumer's urge to buy products and the amount of time he or she is willing to spend in shopping. (p. 515)
    Purchase Motivation Product Groupings
  9. Place together various items that appeal to a given target market. (p. 515)
    Market Segment Product Groupings
  10. Used for products that need special handling. (p. 515)
    Storability Product Groupings
  11. Presents displays and aisles in a rectangular or gridiron pattern. (p. 516)
    Straight (Gridiron) Traffic Flow
  12. Presents displays and aisles in a free-flowing pattern. (p. 516)
    Curving (Free-Flowing) Traffic Flow
  13. Method of determining the amount of floor space necessary to carry and display a proper merchandise assortment. (p. 516)
    Model Stock Approach
  14. Method for assigning floor space on the basis of sales or profit per foot. (p. 516)
    Sales–Productivity Ratio
  15. Interior display that provides shoppers with information, adds to store atmosphere, and serves a substantial promotional role. (p. 519)
    Point-of-Purchase (POP) Display
  16. An open or closed display in which a retailer exhibits a wide range of merchandise. (p. 519)
    Assortment Display
  17. Interior display that depicts a product offering in a thematic manner and portrays a specific atmosphere or mood. (p. 519)
    Theme-Setting Display
  18. Interior display whereby a complete product bundle (ensemble) is presented rather than showing merchandise in separate categories. (p. 519)
    Ensemble Display
  19. Interior display that neatly hangs or presents products. (p. 519)
    Rack Display
  20. Interior display that exhibits heavier, bulkier items than racks hold. (p. 519)
    Case Display
  21. Inexpensive display, in which merchandise is left in the original carton. (p. 520)
    Cut Case
  22. Case display that houses piles of sale clothing, marked-down books, or other products. (p. 520)
    Dump Bin
  23. Tactic whose intent is to convert shopping from a passive activity into a more interactive one, by better engaging the customer. (p. 523)
    Experiential Merchandising
  24. Takes a customer-centered approach and presents "solutions" rather than "products."It goes a step beyond cross-merchandising. (p. 524)
    Solutions Selling
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Chapter 18: Establishing and Maintaining a Retail Image