- G1, S, G2
- Everything in cell cycle except for the mitosis
- the process that separated duplicated chromosomes into 2 parts
- includes prophase metaphase anaphase telophase
- division of cytoplasm during M phase
- animals: pinches off
- plants: cell plate forms
- 1st phase of mitosis
- Chromatin coils so tightly that chromosomes appear
- Nucleoli, nuclear envelope dissappear
- 2 pairs of centrioles move to opposite poles
- spindle fibers (microtubules) extend from centriole to centromere
- asters radiate from centrioles
- n
- Half the number of chromosomes
- 2nd phase of mitosis
- doubled chromosomes line up on equatorial plane (metaphase plane)
- 3rd phase of mitosis
- chromatids seperate
- Considered the opposite of prophase
- enviro reforms
- spindle fibers resolve
- nucleoli reappear
- cytokinesis
- formation of daughter cells
Chromosome structure
- Rod-shaped structures made of DNA and protein
- In eukaryotes, DNA wraps around proteins called histones to help maintain the compact structure of chromosomes
- Chromosomes in prokaryotes are simpler
- Before, DNA in chromatin
- We have 46, 23 from each parent
Epithelial tissue
- Often appears as a continuous sheet of cells
- simple or stratified
- squamos cuboidal or columnal
- found in skin, walls of blood vessels, air sacs in lungs, cheek
- function: protection, absorbtion
- characteristics: avascular (no blood vessels), no extracellular matrix, cells packed together
Simple vs stratified (epithelial)
- Simple: contains one layer of cells, named by shape of cells
- Stratified: contains multiple layers, named by shape of apical cells
Shapes in tissues
- Squamos: flat
- cubodial: cubed
- columnal: cylindrical
Connective tissue
- Most abundant and variable tissue type
- cells not in direct contact since volume of extra-cellular matrix is greater than the volume occupied by cells
- function: connects organs, gives support and protection (physical and immune), storage of energy and heat production, movement and transport of materials
- 6 types
6 types of connective tissue
- 1) Fibrous loose- between tissues and organs
- 2) Dense fibrous- tendons (muscle to bone) and ligaments (bone to bone, ligaments don't heal well)
- 3) Cartilage- covering bones between vertebrae
- 4) Bone- skeleton, calcified
- 5) Adipose- fat under skin, insolation and energy, storage
- 6) Blood- blood vessels, transport, extracellular matrix is fluid
Muscle tissue
- Characteristics: closely packed, little extracellular matrix, contraction--> actin and myosin
- Stem cells can form more muscle
- 3 types
- Skeletal- attached to bone, striated (voluntary), each fiber multinucleated, can't divide
- Cardiac- heart, striated, involuntary, can't divide, lack stem cells (think myocardial arrest)
- Smooth muscle- not striated, CAN divide, walls of blood vessels and hollow organs (bladder and stomach), with intercalated discs
Tissue/organ/organ system
- Tissue: organization of similar cells that perform a specific function
- Organ: organization of diff kinds of tissues that together perform a specific function
- Organ system: various kinds of organs that together perform a specific function (ex: nervous)
- Anatomy: the study of structure of an organism and the relationship of its parts
- Histology: study of tissues
- Physiology: study of the functions of the body
Anatomical position
- Person standing erect
- feet flat on floor
- arms at side
- palms, eyes, face facing forward
frame of reference for descriptions and dissection
Nervous tissue
- Function: sensory and conducts an impulse
- Characteristics: dendrites and axons
- types: glial and neurons
- neurons can't reproduce
Superficial and deep
- Superficial: toward surface of the body
- Deep: away from surface of the body
Proximal and distal
- closer to and farther from the origin of body
Right and left
Like stage right and left
Dorsal and ventral
Back and belly
Anterior and posterior
Front and back
Divides anterior and posterior
Superior and inferior
Toward head and toward feet
Cut down middle splitting right and left
Cut seperating top from bottom
Medial and lateral
Center and on the sides
Our chromosomes
we have 46 diploid
Sex cells
- Sperm and egg cells
- n- haploids
all non sex chromosomes (22 pairs)
Somatic cells
- All of our diploid cells
- (all the ones with autosomic chromosomes)
- That sheet with all of the chromosomes
- Know that the sex chromosomes were shorter
- Homologous: same size, shape, genes (daughters)
- Sister chromotids make a butterfly, otherwise not sister