- Bramonte
- Michel Angelo
- Della Porta
- Madero
- Bernini
- Designs Floor palnd as a greek cross
- but he dies before he gerts starts construction
Michel Angelo
- He Builds the Cathedral
- he also designs the Exterior and Interior
- Designs a perfect Hemispherical Dome, but dies before putting the Dome
Dela Porta
- Hired to finish the Dome but Michel Angelo left no calculations behind except a drawing
- DP goes to Florence and is inspired by the Cathdral
- Extends Greek cross into a Latin Cross
- he bulit the new Facade
- Remododels and covers up all of Michel Angelos work, execpt the back outside wall
- but you can not see it
- cathrdra Petri
- Popes seat of power
- Bladaccion (Canopy)
- 80 bronze Canopy cover the alter and St. Peters grave
- Clonnade in the shape of a symbolic keyhole
Sistine Chapel
- Fresco
- Buon=wet(plaster)
- seca=Dry
- Cartoon
- Black outline Drawing
- Pouncing=leaving makes with charcoal
- Michel Angelos
- 1st Fresco
- Chiro Scuro
- High contrast lighting
- human figure emergesfrom the dark
- Genisis form the Bible
- Separate Panels
- Sences from the Bible
Altar Wall
- last judgement
- end of time
- Bible Prophency
- Cathedral
- Baptistry Doors
- Two Sets
- Competition for doors
- all competitors had to create a image of the sacifice of Isaac. in a Quatrifoil format
- Ghiberti wins defeats Brunelleschi
- 28 Panels all in Quatrfoil (Bible Sances)
2nd Set - Gates of Paradise
- Bible Scenes
- 10 Large Panels
- he Breaks apollodorus of Damscus formula by using liner perspective
- now theres a foreground background and middle
August Rodin Gates of Hill
- inspired by Dantes inferno
- 2-D relief and 3-D sculputre
- bined to create Architectural-Refernesto
The Burghers of Calais
- Six distraught city leards comtemplate their fate
- 1st sculpture ment to be seen 360
- 1st planned without a pedastal
Medici Family "David"
- Michel Angelo- Marble , contra posto, 14'3 h
- Bernin- Marble, in action, D is depicted in the midst of battle with goliath
- Donatello- Bronze, contra posto,5'4 1st life size bronze pour since ancient roman
- Verocchio-Bronze,contra posto,4'10