Denied African Americans the right to bear arms, serve on jury or hold public office. also imposed curfews.
Civil Rights Act 1866
sought to weaken the Black Codes
14th Amendment
15th amendment
right to vote
nothererners who went to the south after the civil war to further their own fortunes
Southern born white republicans hated by southern democrates
Ku Klux Klan
organized to drive out carpetbaggers and intimidate African Americans. organized by ex confederate soldiers that dressed as ghosts and were very powerful in the south
Farming arangement where a family farmed a portion of a planters land and got a share of the crop
Reconstruction Act
The south was divided into five military regions under the control of generals from the north
Out Come of Reconstruction
reluctant to take action for specific groups
concentrated on big buisiness and western expansion
opportunit to achive true equality and social justice
it would be close to 100 years before W. and B. could achieve legal and political freedom