Phylum Hemichordata
Class Enteropneusta
Class Enteropneusta
Genus Saccoglossus
Genus Saccoglossus
Common Name: Acorn Worm
Phylum Chordata
- Subphylum Urochordata
- Subphylum Cephalochordata
- Subphylum Vertebrata
Subphylum Urochordata
The Tunicate
Genus Stylela
Subphylum Vertebrata
- Superclass Agnatha
- Superclass Gnathostomata
Subphylum Cephalochordata
The Lancelets
Genus Branchiostoma
Superclass Agnatha
The Jawless Fish
- Class Myxini (hagfish)
- Class Petromyzontida (lampreys)
Superclass Gnathostomata
- Class Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes)
- Class Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)
- Class Amphibia
- Class Reptilia
- Class Aves
- Class Mammalia
Class Chondrichthyes
Subclass Elasmobranchii (Sharks, Rays, and Skates)
Subclass Elasmobranchii
- Genus Dasyatis (Atlantic Stingray)
- Genus Raja (Skate)
- Genus Squalus (dogfish shark)
Class Actinopterygii
Subcless Neopterygii (modern bony fishes)
Subclass Neopterygii
Order Perciformes (sunfishes, darters, perches)
Order Perciformes
- Genus Lepomis (sunfish)
- Genus Micropterus (bass)
- Genus Perca (perch)
Class Amphibia
The Amphibians
- Order Gymnophiona (caecilians)
- Order Caudata (salamanders and newts)
- Order Anura (frogs and toads)
Order Caudata
Genus Necturus (mudpuppy)
Order Anura
- Genus Bufo (toad)
- Genus Rana (bullfrog)
Class Reptilia
The Reptiles
- Order Testudines (turtles)
- Order Squamata (lizards and snakes)
- Order Crocodilia (crocodilians)
Order Testudines
- Genus Terrapene (box turtles)
- Genus Trachemys (red-eared slider)
- Genus Chelydra (snapping turtle)
Order Squamata
- Genus Phrynosoma (horned lizard)
- Genus Lacerta (wall lizard)
- Genus Agkistrodon (copperhead and cottonmouth)
- Genus Crotalus (rattlesnakes)
- Genus Nerodia (watersnakes)
Order Crocodilia
- Genus Alligator (alligator)
- Genus Caiman (caimans)
Class Mammalia
Subclass Theria
Subclass Theria
- Infraclass Metatheria
- Infraclass Eutheria
Infraclass Metatheria
Order Didelphimorphia (opossum)
Order Soricomorpha
Shrew and Moles
in Infraclass Eutheria
Order Chiroptera
in Infraclass Eutheria
Order Cingulata
in Infraclass Eutheria
Order Lagomorpha
Rabbits and Hares
in Infraclass Eutheria
Order Rodentia
Mice, Beavers, Squirrels
in Infraclass Eutheria
Order Carnivora
Dogs, Skunks, Cats
in Infraclass Eutheria
Order Perissodactyla
in Infraclass Eutheria
Order Artiodactyla
Deer, Elk, Bison, Cattle
in Infraclass Eutheria
Order Passeriformes
Perching or song birds
In Class Aves
Order Falconiformes
Eagles, Hawks, Falcons
In Class Aves
Order Strigiformes
In Class Aves
Order Apodiformes
In Class Aves
Order Charadriiformes
Gulls, Shore Birds
In Class Aves
Order Piciformes
In Class Aves
Order Galliformes
Quail, Grouse, Turkeys
In Class Aves
Order Columbiformes
Dove, Pigeons
In Class Aves
Order Anseriformes
Ducks, Geese, Swans
In Class Aves
Order Ciconiformes
Herons, Egrets
In Class Aves
Order Cuculiformes
Cuckoos, Roadrunners
In Class Aves
Order Caprimulgiformes
Night Hawks, Whip-Poor-Will
In Class Aves
Angora Hair
Hair the grows continuously
Definitive Hair
Hair that only grows to a certain length
Long stiff hairs that are well innervated at the base. "whiskers"
Guard Hairs
the most conspicuous hairs on the bodies of most mammals
awns, bristles, and spines
Guard hair with definitive growth that covers the bodies of most mammals
Guard hair with angora growth such as a lion's mane
guard hair specialized for defense
function primarily as insulators
wool, fur, and velli
very fine "fuzz" underhair found on embryos
blacks and brown
red and yellows
Cryptic Coloration
conceals and individual from potential predators
Disruptive Coloration
typically seen as sharply contrasting patterns of light and dark colors
occurs when the dorsum is dark and the ventral surface is light. Blend in with ground or sky
True Horns
- occur only in the family Bovidae
- unbranched and permanent
- may be found on both males and females
- sheaths are "pronged"
- epidermal sheath is shed annually
- occur on all makes in the family Cervidae
- Typically branched and are shed annually