the right and left coronary artery carries __ blood from the ___ to the ___.
- o2
- ascending aorta
- cardiac muscle
the right brachiocephalic artery carries __ blood from the ___ to the ___.
- 02
- aortic arch
- r. common carotid and r. subclavian artery
Right and left common carotid carries __ blood from the ___ to the ___.
- o2
- aortic arch
- r. & l. internal and external carotid
right and left external carotid carries __ blood from the ___ to the ___.
- 02
- r. & l. common carotid a.
- head and neck
right and left internal cartoid carries __ blood from the ___ to the ___.
- o2
- r. & l. common carotid a.
- r. & l. anterior and middle cerebral and circle of willis
right subclavian a. carries __ blood from the ___ to the ___.
- 02
- brachiocephalic trunk
- right vertebral and right axilarry
left subclavian a. carries __ blood from the ___ to the ___.
- 02
- arch of aorta
- left vertebral and left axillary
right and left axillary a. carries __ blood from the ___ to the ___.
- 02
- right and left subclavian a.
- right and left brachial a.
right and left brachial a. carries __ blood from the ___ to the ___.
- 02
- r. & l. axillary a.
- r. & l. radial a. and ulnar a.
right and left radial a. carries __ blood from the ___ to the ___.
- 02
- r & l brachial a.
- r & l superficial and deep palmar arch
left and right ulnar a. carries __ blood from the ___ to the ___.
- 02
- r & l brachial a.
- r & l supericial and deep palmar arch
celiac trunk carries __ blood from the ___ to the ___.
- 02
- abdominal aorta
- left gastric a. , splenic a. , common hepatic a.
common hepatic a. carries __ blood from the ___ to the ___.
- 02
- celiac trunk
- abdominal organs
spelnic a. carries __ blood from the ___ to the ___.
- 02
- ciliac trunk
- pancreatic a., left gastroepiploic, & short gastric
left gastric a. carries __ blood from the ___ to the ___.
- 02
- celiac trunk
- esophagus and stomach
superior mesenteric carries __ blood from the ___ to the ___.
- 02
- abdominal aorta
- small intestine and colon
right and left renal carries __ blood from the ___ to the ___.
right and left gonadal a. carries __ blood from the ___ to the ___.
- 02
- abdominal aorta
- testicles or ovaries
inferior mesenteric a. carries __ blood from the ___ to the ___.
- 02
- abdominal aorta
- left colon and small intestine
right and left common iliac carries __ blood from the ___ to the ___.
- 02
- abdominal aorta
- r & l internal and external iliac
right and left internal iliac a. carries __ blood from the ___ to the ___.
- 02
- right and left common iliac
- pelvic organs
right and left external iliac a carries __ blood from the ___ to the ___.
- 02
- right and left common iliac
- right and left femoral a.
right and left femoral a carries __ blood from the ___ to the ___.
- 02
- right and left external iliac
- r & l popliteal and deep peroneal
right and left popliteal a. carries __ blood from the ___ to the ___.
- 02
- right and left femoral
- r & l anterior and posterior tibial