Art 100

  1. Three artistic styles as they realte to The Natural World
    1. Representational-
    Closely resembles the natural world. sometimes it duplicates it so closely that it "fools the eye".
  2. 2. Abstract
    Makes reference to the natural world to the natual world. it is a distorion or a transformation
  3. 3.Non-representational
    Makes no refernce to the natural world. Its pure line,shape form,color ,texture, ect.
  4. Types of Artwork
    • artwork thst is created on a flat, two-dimensional surface.
    • Ex:Paintings,Prints. Mosaics, Drawing
  5. Types of Artwork
    • Artwork that occpies space,possessing thickness or depth as well as length and breadth. An object that has mass, density and volume. In most cases three if not not four sides can be seen
    • Ex: Sculpturs, architecture, ceramics
  6. Form
    From is the the physical manifestation or tangible evidence of the artists idea. It includes the matrials used, the process and the artistic stylization or design
  7. Balance
    is an over all feeling of equality in weight, attention, or attraction of the various visual elements within a work of art. Being symmetrical creatures, human beings natural desire balance outside themselves as well. All art must deal with the concept of visual weight, whereby the two sides of any given composition must balance eacch other into leaving state.
  8. Unity/ Varity
    Refers to all parts (elements)working together to achieve a unified feeling or a sense of oneness or completeness within a work of art. But, at the same time there has to be a certain amount of variety so that the comositon will catch and hold the viwers attention.
  9. Emphasis
    Making a certain object or area within the comosition the center of interest or "focal Point"
  10. Direction
    Relates to how an artist directs the viwers eye throughout the piece of artwork. A successful piece will have an entry into it and through the placement and utillzation of the specific elements the viwers eye will travel form one object to another.
  11. Line
    A kine is the path of a moving point, that is, a mark made by a tool or an instrument as it is drawn across a surface
  12. Rhythm
    Repetion of a specific shapes, forms or lines to create a pulse or type of movement throughout work of art.
  13. Shape
    Shapes are defined as flat, two- dimensional areas with identifiable boundaries, which can be created by lines, colors or contrasting textures.
  14. Iconography
    Universally recognized symbols that help to tell a story in a work of art.
  15. Color
    A phenomenon of light or visual perception thtat enables one to differntiate otherwise identical objects. Three basic components of color are hue, value and intensity
  16. Hue
    is simply the property of color that distinguishes it form another
  17. Primary hues
    Yellow, blue and red
  18. Secondary hues
    • created by mixing two primary hues together
    • Ex: Green=yellow+blue, orange= Y+R and V= R+B
  19. Intermediate/ Tertiary Hues
    • Mixing a secondary hue and a primary hue together.
    • Y-O, Y-G, R-O,B-G and B-V
  20. Tint
    Adding white to a hue
  21. Shade
    Adding black to a hue or its complementary hue
  22. Value
    • Although closely related to the element of the colr as one of its properties, value is also consider an element of dessign due to its vital role in defining form and creating the illusion of space in a two-dimensional art form.
    • as statec earlier, value refers to the relative lightness or darkness of a color.
    • this element playes a role in our perception of the light and color.
    • high value contrast can define and illuminate form; low value contrast can dissolve it. there could be bo form without value contrast.
    • The way light touches or shines on a particular object can alter the viewers perception of that object.
  23. Space
    • The area in which objects exist and are persented in a relationship to position and direction
    • The interval or measurable distance between pre-establish points or objects.
    • Space can be described as "pos." or "neg."
    • Pos. spaces are the enclosed shapes or representative objects in a picture as oppsed to the spaces that surround them
    • Neg. space refers to the empty space left over after the arist has treated the pos. space
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Art 100
Blue handout