1. Aphasia is an ACQUIRED loss, inidence of______ Americans
    1 million
  2. Aphasia is the impairment and comprehension and/or production of...
    Language that results from fairly LOCALIZED damage to the brain
  3. Aphasia usually accompanies focal areas of damage to the....
    Left cerebral hemisphere.
  4. Aphasia affects what?
    Reading, writing, speaking, understanding, gestures, and other symbol systems used for communication.
  5. Diseases of the nervous system will affect 50 americans which is ___ out of ____people.
    1 out of 70
  6. Who is the most likely candidate to be aphasic?
    • Adults
    • Usually males
    • 50+ years of age
  7. Aphasia happens because...
    • Strokes
    • CHI (closed head injuries
    • or TBI (traumatic brain injuries)
  8. The causes of Aphasia include:
    • CVA (cerebrovascular accident)
    • Tumor
    • Trauma
    • Infectionous diseases
    • Toxic Agents
  9. CVA (cerebrovascular accident) is caused by:
    • Embolus
    • Thrombus
    • Aneurysm
    • Stenosis
  10. CVA's are usually not...
  11. What is the MAIN cause of Aphasia?
    Impaired blood flow TO or WITHIN the brain
  12. Aphasia is the ____ leading killer in the US and the primary cause of adult disability
  13. ____% of strokes comes from ______
    • 80
    • Blood clots
  14. 20% of strokes comes from_______
    A brain bleed (hemorrage)
  15. (CVA) In Thrombus, a blood clot forms ___ the blood vessel in the ____obstructing the flow of blood to the brain cells.
    • In
    • Brain
    • (causes thrombosis)
  16. (causes thrombosis) Brain cells can only survive _____minutes without oxygen, and the damage is_____.
    • 4-4 1/2
    • Irreversible
  17. In Embolus, a blood clot forms in one part of the body and_____to the brain, eventually____flow of blood to brain cells
    • travels
    • obstructing
  18. t-PA stands for what?
    What is it used for?
    • tissue-plaminogen activator
    • It is a clot-busting thrombolytic being given to lessen the effets of a stoke in Embolus
  19. an Aneurysm causes what?
    Cerebral hemorrage
  20. What is a hemorrhage?
    A rupture of blood vessel due to weakness in the vessel wall
  21. A hemorrhage can be caused by what?
    • Trauma
    • Conditions such as HBP or is can be congenital weakness
  22. Congenital weakness is also known as what?
    Aneurysm (weakness in blood vessel wall)
  23. What is Stenosis?
    cerebral arteriosclerosis blockage of arteries from fatty deposites.
  24. Stenosis has a _____onset.
  25. Stenosis is largely due to.....
    High levels of cholesterol
  26. LDL=
    • Low density lipoproteins
    • (least desirable)
  27. HDL=
    • high density lipoproteins
    • (highly desirable)
  28. TIA (trasient ischemic attack) is what?
    The gradual closing of blood vessel, reduced blood flow. It comes and goes like a spasm
  29. Other causes of Aphasia is what?
    • Brain Tumors
    • TBI
    • Inefectionous diseases
    • Toxic Agents (carbon monoxide)
  30. brain tumors are usually ____or _____.
    • Malignant
    • Benign
Card Set
test 3