CLS 100

  1. What org requires the wearing of gloves?
  2. Should the phlebotomist were gloves that are sterile?
  3. What org regulates the quality of gloves
  4. Antiseptics prevent or inhbits growth of micro-organisms, does it kill them?
    No necessarily
  5. For blood collection which antiseptic is most often used?
    70% alcohol (isopropyl)
  6. A higher degree of antiseptic would be?
  7. Disinfectants are regulated by
  8. Is it antiseptics or disinfectants that kill bacteria on surfaces or instruments?
  9. Dilution of 1:100 of 5.25% hypochlorite is used to clean
    non-porous surfaces
  10. what dilution of bleach is used for lage amounts of blood
  11. Needles, lancets and othr sharp objects are disposed of in, what color are they
    Sharps container, usually red.
  12. Properly applied tourniquet is tight enough to restrict flow out, but does not restrict flow into the area
    Venous, arterial
  13. What are the types of needles used in phlebotomy?
    Multisample, hypodermic, winged infusion.
  14. What are the three parts of the needle?
    Bevel, shaft, hub
  15. Internal space of the needle is called the , but the size of the lumen is called
    Lumen, gauge
  16. what are the typical gauges sizes used for lab collection of blood, which is most used
    20-23, 21.
  17. Gauge size is important because to large , and small may
    damage vein, hemolyze the blood
  18. What agency is responsible for clearing medical devices
  19. regulate that if needle does not have safety devices the tube holder muse
  20. Evacuated tubes fill by
  21. Tubes should be stored at
    4 and 25 C
  22. Additive EDTA uses in
    hematology and blood bank
  23. additive sodium citrate, color of top and dept.
    light blue and coag
  24. No additive cap color and dept
    Red, chemistry, BB, immunology
  25. The most common anticoagulants
    EDTA, citrate, heparin, oxalate
  26. CLSI recommends EDTA
    sprayed dried
  27. order of draw
    sterile, light blue, red, green, lavendar, gray.
  28. To accession a specimen is to unmistakenly
    connect specimen with accompanying paperwork in order
  29. if a STAT is order which area of the hospital is given priority
  30. Medical emergency is the same as
  31. Need to take blood but physician or clergy is present do you ask them to leave
    no do not interrupt
  32. If patient states Yes I will give blood but would rather not, what has happened
    consented then took back their consent
  33. From question 32, should you still go ahead and draw the blood.
  34. Is it okay to except information that is not on the patient?
    No. patient should have label attached.
  35. steps taken in blood draw
    check accession, verify patient, diet restriction, clean hands, position arm, tourniquet and drawn
  36. tourniquet is placed how far from the site of draw
    3-4 inches
  37. According to CLSI standard which vein first must be located in both arm before considering alterate
    median cubital
  38. Tubes are labeled before or after collection of blood
  39. if patient is not wearing arm band ID
    as the patinet's nurse to obtain one
  40. patient eating breakfast should be fasting what do you do
    contact physician and ask if still wanting test to be performed.
  41. A syringe is used in place of ETS for
    veins that collapse easily
  42. HIPAA stands for and began in?
    health insurance portability and accountability act. 1996
  43. PHI stands for
    protected health information, came about because of electronic exchange
  44. Proxemics is
    an indviduals personal space
  45. Outpatient has to level of physicians
    primary and secondary (specialist)
  46. inpatient has one level
    tertiary (higher complex service)
  47. CLIA 88 specifies that is responsible for administration of clinical area
    technical supervisor
  48. JCAHO is voluntary or non-, government or not,
    voluntary and non-governmental
  49. JCAHO is not the largest standard setting body for healthcare who is
    no, JCAHO
  50. CLIA 88 is federal regulation passed and administered by
    congress, clinical laboratory improvement act, CMS
  51. GLP is
    good lab practices and quality assurance when collecting samples
  52. QA is defined
    quality patient care gauranteed by tracking outcomes
  53. To ensure consistent quality, specimen collection and handling polcies based on guidelines established by
  54. Threshold values are established for
    all clinical indicators
  55. to ensure same process is always followed
    QC and component of the QI program
  56. specimen collection is the
    pre-analytical stage
  57. what are delta checks
    helps ensure quality testing by comparing current same test results with past results on same patient
  58. joint commision requires documentation on all
    Quality control checks
  59. risk management
    focused on identifying and minimizing situations that pose risks.
  60. most common civil action in healthcare
  61. failure to exercise due care is
  62. Respondeat superior
    employer is liable, which also falls under vicarious liability
  63. venipuncture vs phlebotomy
    small draw single, donating blood
Card Set
CLS 100