medical terminology 3

  1. What is the normal pH of arterial blood? Venous blood?
    • Arterial = 7.4
    • Venous = 7.35
  2. What is the pH of Acidosis? Alkalosis?
    • Acidosis is below 7.35
    • Alkalosis = 7.45
  3. Why might someone crave salty or sour food? When is that common?
    Severe electrolyte deficienies; common in Addison's disease
  4. - dynia
    • Pain
    • Cardodynia = heart pain
  5. metr/o
    • Uterus
    • Perimeteritis: Inflammation around the uterus
  6. oophor/o
    • Ovary
    • Oophoritis: Inflammation of the ovary
  7. Contractions of this muscle propel the fetus through the birth canal.
  8. What is the first bowel movement of a newborn called?
  9. lapar/o
    • Abdomen
    • Incision into the abdomen
  10. What is the group of structures that make up the female external genitalia called?
  11. Embryo = (?) weeks
    Fetus = (?) weeks
    Premature delivery = (?) weeks
    • Embryo = up to 8 weeks
    • Fetus = 9 weeks
    • Premature = 38 weeks
  12. What is the normal heartrate of a fetus?
    120-160 bpm
  13. salping/o
    • Fallopian tube
    • Salphingectomy = surgical removal of the fallopian tubes
  14. What hormone stimulates milk production?
    Prolactin (PRL)
  15. What is the inner layer of the uterus that is shed each month?
  16. -tocia
    • Labor/childbirth
    • Dystocia = Difficult labor or childbirth
  17. men/o
    • Menstrual
    • Dysmenorrhea: painful menstrual flow
    • Menorrhagia: abnormal or rapid menstrual flow
  18. mast/o
    • Breast
    • mastaglia = breast pain
  19. lact/o
    • Milk
    • Loctorrhea: milk discharge
  20. andr/o
    • Male
    • Andropathy: male disease
  21. hepat/o
    • Liver
    • Hepatoma: Liver tumor
    • Hepatitis: Inflammation of the liver
  22. - phagia
    • Swallow or Eat
    • Aphagia: unable to swallow or eat
  23. lob/o
  24. dors/o
    Back of the body
  25. -tension
  26. -ole
  27. Papule
    Small, solid mass under the skin less than .5cm
  28. Cyst
    Fluid filled sacs under the skin
  29. Is the mitral valve on the right or the left?
  30. Which heart valve is also called the bicuspid valve? Is it on the right or the left?
    Mitral valve - Left
  31. Atherectomy
    Removal of a fatty substance
  32. Wheal
    Hives: small round spots with sever itching - commonly from an allergic reaction
  33. What is another name for hives and what is a common cause of it?
    Wheals, commonly caused by allergies
  34. Cardiorrhexis
    Ruptured Heart
  35. vascul/o
    Blood vessel
  36. angi/o
  37. Nodule
    Firm, solid mass of cells under the skin larger than .5cm
  38. If someone is lying face up, what position are they in?
  39. -manometer
    Instrument to measure pressure
  40. py/o
    • Pus
    • Pyodermatitis = skin infection producing pus
  41. Arteriosclerosis
    Thickening, hardening and loss of elasticity of the walls of the artery. Most often due to artherosclerosis.
  42. ungu/o
    • Nail
    • Ungual (ung-wal); pertaining to the nails
  43. thromb/o
  44. Macule
    Flat, discolored area flush with the skin; a freckle or birthmark
  45. What is a flat, discolored area flush with the skin called? Such as a freckle or birthmark
  46. What is the normal beats per minute for adults?
  47. What cavity are the lungs in?
  48. crur/o
  49. poster/o
  50. Brachi/o
  51. cephal/o
  52. cervic/o
  53. chondr/o
  54. cyan/o
    • blue
    • Cyanosis: bluish color to the skin caused by lack of oxygen
  55. crani/o
  56. morph/o
  57. -sclerosis
    • Hardening
    • Arteriosclerosis: hardening of an artery
  58. Arthrocentesis
    Surgical puncture of a joint (as for the withdrawal of fluid)
  59. Atherosclerosis vs. Arteriosclerosis
    Atherosclerosis is the cause of Arteriosclerosis, which is any type of hardening of the arterial walls. Atherosclerosis is caused by the buidup of plaque within the arteries
  60. -scopy
    • Process of visually examining
    • Gastroscopy: process of visually examining the stomach
  61. -gram
    • a picture of record
    • Electrocardiogram; record of the heart's electricity
  62. peri-
    • Around
    • Perocardial: around the heart
  63. Trans-
    • Through, around
    • Transurethral: across the urethra
  64. a-
    • Without, away from
    • Aphasia: without speech
  65. supra-
    • Above
    • Suprapubic: above the pubic bone
  66. Steth/o
  67. Pustule
    Raised spot on the skin containing pus
  68. Hyperhydrosis
    Excessive sweating
  69. What is excessive sweating called?
  70. ven/o
  71. What is the pacemaker of the heart?
    SA Node
  72. Atherosclerosis
    Most common form of yellowish plaques of cholesterol on the inner walls of arteries
  73. Anti-
    • Against
    • Antibiotic: against life
  74. What does too much or too little potassium do?
    Causes electrical signals in the heart and causes death
  75. Macro-
    • Large
    • Macrocephalic: having a large head
  76. kerat/o
    • Hard
    • Keratosis: a skin condition with an overgrowth and thickening of the epidermis
  77. Hypo
    • Under, below
    • Hypoglossal: under the tongue
  78. False Pregnancy
  79. - pathy
    • Disease
    • Myopathy: muscle disease
  80. nulli-
    • None
    • Nulligravida: woman with no pregnancies
  81. -oma
    • Tumor
    • Carcinoma: cancerous tumor
  82. hist/o
  83. Thorac/o
  84. Describe an Aneurysm
    Weakness in the wall of an artery resulting in localized widening of the artery. Common in the abdominal aorta and cerebral arteries
  85. Flutter
    Atrial flutter occurs when an abnormal conduction circuit developes in the right atrium causing the atria to beat 250-300 bmp.
  86. Ather/o
    Fatty substance
  87. -ule
  88. Brady-
    • Slow
    • Bradycardia: slow heartbeat
  89. ur/o
    • Urine
    • Urology: study of urininary tract
  90. carcin/o
    • Cancer
    • Carcinoma: cancerous tumor
  91. What is excessive thirst called?
  92. What does insulin do?
    Decreases blood glucose levels
  93. Where is the thyroid gland?
    In the neck
  94. Where is the thymus gland?
    Anterior to the heart
  95. Lumbar puncture
    • Also called: Spinal Tap
    • Inserted between L4 & L5 into the spinal canal
  96. Hematoma
    Mass of blood
  97. -ectasis
    • Dilation
    • Bronchiectasis: dilated bronchi
  98. -ostomy
    • Surgically create an opening
    • Colostomy: surgically creating an opening for the colon through the abdominal wall
  99. Arthro-
    • Joint
    • Arthrocentesis: puncture to withdraw fluid from a joint
  100. -cise
    • Cut
    • Incision: to cut out
  101. myc/o
    • Fungus
    • Onychomycosis: abnormal condition of nail fungus
  102. Crural
  103. What is the P wave?
    Artrial systole
  104. Infarct
    An area of tissue within an organ that undergoes necrosis due to insufficient blood supply
  105. xer/o
    • Dry
    • Xeroderma: a disease of the skin characterized by dryness and roughness
  106. Endocarditis
    Inflammation of the lining membranes of the heart. May be caused by bacteria or an abnormal immune response
  107. What is the sudden drop in blood pressure a person experiences when standing up suddenly?
    Orthostatic Hypotension
  108. What is the T-wave?
    Ventricular Diasole
  109. What are pounding, racing heartbeats called?
  110. phleb/o
  111. What is Angina Pectoris, what is caused by, what is a common treatment for it?
    Condition in which there is a severe pain with a sensation of constriction around the heart. Caused by deficiency of oxygen to the heart muscle. Relieved by nitroblycerin (sublingual)
  112. vesic/o
    • Bladder
    • Vesicourethral Reflux: an abnormal condition that allows urine to flow from the bladder back into a ureter
  113. Vesicle
    A blister
  114. Is the tricuspid valve on the right of left?
  115. Congenital Septal Defect (CSD, ASD, VSD)
    A hole, present at birth, in the septum; results in a mixture of oxygenated an deoxygenated blood, this can be ASD OR VSD.
Card Set
medical terminology 3
Medical terminology 3