health/illness test3

  1. Benign
    not cancerous, grows slower, normal cells
  2. Malignant
  3. metastatic
    spreads to other areas of the body
  4. Blood spreads cancer, "iatrogenic"
    punch biopsy
  5. Neoplasms
    enlarged tissue (hard to detect until reaches 1cm)
  6. cancer
    normal cells that grow rapidly and cut off blood supply, out of control and changes as it grows
  7. Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA)
    identifies abnormal cells and rids them
  8. Retro viruses in HIV patients
    Herpes Simplex, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Barketslymphoma, HepatitusB (HBV), HPV, HTLV, cervical cancer, laryngal cancer, adult t-cell leukemia
  9. Carcinogens
    agends lead to cancer, drugs, hormones, radiation
  10. Classifications of cancer: Carcinomas
    found in epithelial cells, skin cancer, GICA, lung cancer, common cancers
  11. Sarcomas
    soft tissue affected, connective tissue, fat, nerves, cartilage muscle, bone
  12. Seminoma
    seminal orgerm tissue
  13. Leukemia
    blood cancer, white blood cells
  14. Blast Cells
    more you have the more chance you will get cancer
  15. lymphoma
    in lymph all over body
  16. 60-69 yr.
    High risk for cancer (high estrisk group)
  17. 70-79 yr.
    2nd highest risk group
  18. tumor in young
    wilm's tumor- affects kidneys, leukemia, hochkins, lymphoma; most are factors from genetics
  19. tuomrs in adults
    skin CA, lung CA, prostate CA (60-79 yr.), 3rd highest is colon and rectal CA
  20. increased risk for CA
    more fat imtake
  21. most common CA in women
    1st- lung CA, then breast CA, thyroid CA
  22. diet has impact on CA
    big impact
  23. survival rate
    40%, 5yrs. passed with no CA, linked to weak immune system
  24. factors controllable and noncontrolable
    controllable- stress, diet, sun exposure, obesity, occupation,tobacco, alcohol, and drugs

    noncontrollable- heredity, age, gender, poverty
  25. % of CA pt. are over 65 yrs
  26. most common CA in men
    bladder CA
  27. CA warning signs
    abnormal growth, bleeding, fatigue, bowel or bladder habits, sudden weight loss, cough persistance, poor wound healing
  28. mammogram done at...
    35 baseline, 40 yr. get yearly
  29. pap smear
    done after 18 yr. every year
  30. screen for colon CA
    at 50yr., every 3-5 years
  31. when to get sigmoidoscopy
    at 50 yr., every 3-5 year
  32. prostate exam
    at 50 yr., get yearly PSA
  33. tumor markers
    biochemical markers that find the primary site
  34. CA 15-13
    cancer antigen for breast cancer
  35. CA 125
    nonspecific test for ovarian, liver, cervical, panceratic CA
  36. CA 19-9
    panceratic CA, "hematobillary" CA
  37. CEA
    increased if any type of tumor
  38. cytology
    looking for CA
  39. radiology test
    x-ray, nuclear imaging, PET
  40. grading CA cells
    cell development, differation by % of cell- the more differation easy to treat, rate of growth
  41. grading scale
  42. staging CA
    size and extentof disease
  43. stage T, N, M, TO, TIS
    • T- extent of tumor
    • N- absence or presence of extent of nodes invovled
    • M- metastatic cells
    • TO- primary tumors
    • TIS- tumor in "situe or siteo" encapsulated( contained)
Card Set
health/illness test3
health and illness test 3