A system of economic organization, based on market competition, under which the means of production, distribution, and exchange are privately owned and directed by individuals and corporations
A social and political ideology advocating that authority and property be vested in the community, each member working for the common benefit according to capacity and receiving according to needs
The breaking down of traditional boundaries in the face of increasingly supranational trends in finance, communication, and cultural exchange
Leader of the Indian National Congress and first Prime Minister of independent India (1947 – 1964)
Jawaharlal Nehru
A free association of countries, consisting of the United Kingdom and mostly former members of the British empire, united by cultural bonds and a recognition of the British monarch
Commonwealth of Nations
A grouping of 110 countries and liberation movements asserting their neutrality in the Cold War rivalry between the US and the USSR (1961)
Non-Aligned Movement
Vietnamese nationalist leader in conflicts with Japanese, French, and American forces; first president of independent, communist North Vietnam (1954 – 1969)
Ho Chi Minh
British commitment to the creation of a national homeland for Jewish people (1917)
Balfour Declaration
A political and cultural movement promoting pride in the great traditions of pre-colonial Africa
Ghanaian statesman, first Prime Minister (1957 – 1960) and first President (1960 – 1966) of newly-independent Ghana (former British colony, Gold Coast)
Kwame Nkrumah
Militant nationalist movement in Kenya; anti-Christian and anti-British Kikuyu guerilla fighters (1952 – Kenyan independence in 1963)
Mau Mau
Jomo Kenyatta
Jomo Kenyatta
Seized power in a military coup against the newly-independent government of Congo (1965); President of Democratic Republic of Congo (1970 – 1997)
Mobutu Sese Seko
Forced industrialization of China by means of collectivizing land and businesses; induced famine, killing 20 million (1958 – 1961)
Great Leap Forward
Chinese intellectuals and professionals beaten and killed by Red Guard; mass arrests and deportation to labor camps for “re-education” (1966 – 1976)
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
Successor to Mao as leader of China (1981 – 1997); reversed Cultural Revolution policies and guided China’s re-entry into the global financial and trade markets
Deng Xiaoping
Site of brutal suppression of Chinese students, demonstrating for American-style democratic reforms in China (1989)
Tiananmen Square
Egyptian President (1970 – 1981) who reversed Nasser’s pro-Soviet, anti-Israel policies; assassinated by jihadists
Anwar Sadat
Leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) from 1968 to his death in2004
Yasser Arafat
Rejection of European and American models of economic development and political and social norms; promotion of Muslim identity, values, legal systems, and political power
The right and duty to defend Islam and the Islamic community from unjust attack
Autocratic ruler of Iran, installed by the CIA in 1953; overthrown by Islamist revolution in 1979
Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlav
Leader of the Iranian Revolution (1979); theocratic ruler of Iran (1979 – 1989)
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
Founded in 1944 in Bretton Woods, NH, to stabilize exchange rates and to promote world economic growth through free trade markets and loans to member nations
International Monetary Fund
Forum for settling international trade disputes and eliminating tariffs that restrict free trade
World Trade Organization
Cartel of major oil-producing nations that sets prices and establishes annual production quotas for its members
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Established the European Union in 1993
Maestricht Treaty