Ex Sci

  1. Need to know the name of cardiac muscle
    • Sinoatrial (SA) Node
    • Atriventricular (AV) Node
    • AV Bundle (bundle of His)
    • Purkinje fibers
  2. What does AV node do?
    located in the right atrial wall near the center of the heart. As the electrical impulse spreads through the atria, they are signaled to contract.
  3. What does SA node do?
    Impulse for normal heart contractions is initiated. located in posterior wall of the right atrium.
  4. parasympathetic
    branch of ANS originates centrally in a region of the brain stem called the medulla oblongata. Reaches heart through Vagus Nerve. decrease in heart rate
  5. sympathetic
    another branch of ANS....increases the rate of impulse generations and conduction speed. increase in heart rate.
  6. edocrine system
    exerts its effect through norepinephrien and epinephrine released by adrenal medulla.
  7. What does endocrine system do to heartrate
    it increases heartrate and contractibility.
  8. What is a heart murmur
    an extra or unusual sound heard during a heartbeat. Narrow valve or backflow towards atria through a leaky valvue.
  9. Know what an ECG is
    Electrocardiogram- a test that checks for problems with the electrical activity of your heart
  10. Pwave
    atrial depolarization and occurs when the electrial impulse travels from SA node through the atria to the AV node.
  11. QRS complex
    ventrical depolarization and occurs as the impulse spreads from AV bundle to Purkinje fibers and through ventricals
  12. T wave
    ventrical repolarization, atrial repolarization cannot be seen because it occurs during QRS complex aka ventrical depolarization.
  13. What is an arrhythmia?
    A condition in which the heart beats with an irregular or abnormal rhythm.
  14. Bradycardia
    Abnormally slow heart action.
  15. Fibrillation
    Muscular twitching involving individual muscle fibers acting without coordination.
  16. what is tachycardia
    An abnormally rapid heart rate.
  17. Blood Pressure
    Pressure exerted by the blood on the vessle walls. Recommended BP is 120 systolic /80 diastolic
  18. distribution of blood during rest
    the most metabolic active tissues recieve the greatest blood supply.....liver and kidneys recieve half the blood. Feeding on essentials
  19. distribution of blood during exercise
    blood is redirected to the areas where needed most. muscles recieve up to 80 percent or more. increase cardiac output.
  20. venus return of blood

    muscle pump-contraction of skeletal muscles

    what are the role of valves in veins?
    the flow of blood back to the heart

    squeezes veins in legs to assist in the return of blood to the heart. Circulation.

    valvues allow blood to flow in only one direction, thus preventing back flow and pooling of the blood in the lower body.
  21. Total blood volume
    composed of plasma and formed elements. 3.5 liters for female and 5 for male. Larger blood volumes = greater lean body mass and high levels of endurance training.
  22. normal blood vol for hematocrit
Card Set
Ex Sci
Ex Sci