
  1. Olfactory
    • innervates olfactory epithelium
    • smell
    • sensory
  2. Optic
    • innervates retina of the eye
    • vision
    • sensory
  3. Oculo-motor
    • innervates four of the six external eye muscles: sup. & inf. rectus, medial rectus, & inf. oblique. Muscle of the eyelids (levator palpebrae superioris): parasympathetic fibers to iris and ciliary bodies
    • motor
  4. Trochlear
    • superior oblique muscles of the eyes
    • motor
  5. Trigeminal
    • Sensory portion: ophthalmic branch; sup, face (nose and up). 2.Maxillarybranch; oral cavity, ant. 2/3 of tongue, teeth, skin of face from lops to nose. 3. Mandibular branch: skin of face from lips to nose, muscles of mastication (chewing -masseter and temporalis muscle)
    • mixed
  6. Abducens
    • Efferent fibers to lateral rectus muscles of eyes for lateral eye movements
    • motor
  7. Facial
    • Mixed
    • Sensory portion: taste from anterior 2/3 tongue.
    • Motor portion: all muscles for facial experession, autonomic fibers to lacriman glands andsubmaxillary and sublingual (salivary) glands
  8. Acoustic(vestibulocochlear)
    • sensory
    • hearing and equilibrium
  9. Glosso-pharyngeal
    • mixed
    • Sensory portion: sensation and taste from posterior 1/3 of tongue.
    • Motor portion: movements of pharynx and sutonomic fibers to paratid glands (salivary glands)
  10. Vagus
    • mixed
    • Sensory portion: afferent fibers from skin of ext. ear, pharynx, larynx, thoracic and abdominal viscera.
    • Motor portion: efferent fibers to pharynx, tongue, larynx, and autonomic fibers to thoracic and abdominal viscera
  11. Spinal accessory
    • motor
    • Efferent fibers to trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles for head and shoulder movements
  12. Hypoglossal
    • motor
    • controls muscles of tongue
Card Set
cranial nerve names and functions