Effects of Exotoxins

  1. Bacillus Anthraces
    • Antrax (cytosine) -> increases vascular permeablity
    • hemorrhage and pulmonary edema
  2. Bacillus cereus
    • Enterotoxin _> causes excessive loss of water and electrolytes
    • diarrhea
  3. Clostridium Botulinum
    • Botulism (8 surgical types; neurotoxins) -> blocks release of Ach at nerve ending
    • respiratory paralysis, double vision
  4. Clostridium Perfringens (1)
    • gas gangrene (alpha-txin, a hemolysin) -> breaks down lecithin in cell membranes
    • cell and tissue destruction
  5. Clostridium perfringens (2)
    • Food poisoning (enterotoxin) -> auses excessive loss of water and electrolytes
    • diarrhea
  6. Clostridium tetani
    • tetanus (lockjaw) (neurotoxin) -> inhibitis antagonists of motor neurons of brain; 1 nanogram can kill 2 tons of cells
    • violent skeletal muscle spasms, respiratory failure
  7. Corynebacterium diphtheria
    • diphteria; produced by virus-infected (cytosine) bacteria -> inhibits protein synthesis
    • heart damage can cause death weeks after apparent recovery
  8. Escherichia coli (1)
    • Traverlers diarrhea (enterotoxin) -> causes excessive loss of water and electrolytes
    • diarrhea
  9. Escherichia coli (2)
    • 0157; H7 (enterotoxin) -> hemolytic uremic syndrome
    • destroys intestinal lining and causes hemorrhages in kidney
    • bleeding and kidney hemorrhage and failure
  10. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    • various infections (exotoxin A) -> inibits protein synthesis
    • lethal necrotizing lesions
  11. Shigella dysenteriae
    • bacillary dysentery (enterotoxin) -> cytotoxic effects; as potent as botulinum toxin
    • diarrhea, causes paralysis in rabbits from spinal cord hemorrhage and edema
  12. Staphylococcus aerus (1)
    • food poisoning (enterotoxin) -> stimulates brain center that causes vomitting
    • vomitting
  13. Staphylococcus aerus (2)
    • scaled skin syndrome (exfolatin) -> causes intradermal separation of cells
    • redness and sloughing of skin
  14. Streptococcus progenies
    • scarlet fever (erythrogenic, or red-producing toxin) -> causes vasodilation
    • maculopapular (slightly raised, discolored) lesions
  15. Vibrio cholerae
    • Cholera (enterotoxin) -> causes excessive loss of water (up to 30L/day) and electrolytes
    • diarrhea; can kill within hours
Card Set
Effects of Exotoxins
exam 3