Final Exam Review

  1. Chain of Command
    • Order of rank and authority in the fire service.
    • The proper sequence of information and command flow as described in the Incident Management System.
  2. Incident Command System (ICS)
    • System by which facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and communications are organized to operate within a common organizational structure designed to aid in the management of resources at emergency incidents.
    • Management system of procedures for controlling personnel, facilities, equipment, and communications so that different agencies can work together toward a common goal in an effective and efficient manner.
    • Recommended method of establishing and maintaining command and control of an incident. It is an organized approach to incident management, adaptable to any size of type of incident.
  3. Policy
    Guide to decision making in an organization.
  4. Procedure
    A written communication closely related to a policy.
  5. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
    Standard methods or rules in which an organization or a fire department operates to carry out a routine function. Usually these procedures are written in a policies and procedures handbook and all firefighters should be well versed in their content. A SOP may specify the functional limitations of fire brigade members in performing emergency operations.
  6. NFPA 1001
    Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications
  7. Characteristics desired in a firefighter
    integrity, moral character, pride, work ethic, and courage
  8. Tactical Priorities
    Life safety, incident stabilization, and property conservation
  9. Span of Control
    An officer can effectively manage only a certain number of individuals or groups (usually 3-7, 5 best).
  10. Communicable Disease
    Disease that is transmissible from one person to another.
  11. Defusing
    Informal discussion with incident responders conducted after the incident has been terminated either at the scene or after the units have returned to quarters. Here commanders address possible chemical and medical exposure information, identify damaged equipment and apparatus that requires immediate attention, identify unsafe operating procedures, assign information gathering responsibilities to prepare for the Post-Incident Analysis and reinforce the positive aspects of the incident.Click to flip
  12. Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH)
    Any atmosphere that poses an immediate hazard to life or produces immediate irreversible, debilitating effects on health.
  13. Mayday
    International distress signal broadcast by voice
  14. Personal Alert Safety System (PASS)
    Electronic lack-of-motion sensor that sounds a loud tone when a firefighter becomes motionless. It can also be manually triggered to operate.
  15. Post-Incident Analysis
    General overview and critique of the incident by members of all responding agencies (including dispatchers) that should take place within two weeks of the actual incident.
  16. Rapid Intervention Crew (RIC)
    Two or more fully equipped and immediately available firefighters designated to stand by outside the hazard zone to enter and effect rescue of firefighters inside, if necessary. Also known as Rapid Intervention Team.
  17. Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
    Respirator worn by the user that supplies a breathable atmosphere that is either carried in or generated by the apparatus and is independent of the ambient atmosphere. Respiratory protection is worn in all atmospheres that are considered to be Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH).
  18. Supplied Air Respirator (SAR)
    An atmosphere-supplying respirator for which the source of breathing air is not designed to be carried by the user; not certified for fire fighting operations.
  19. Backdraft
    Instantaneous explosion or rapid burning of superheated gases that occurs when oxygen is introduced into an oxygen-depleted confined space. The stalled combustion resumes with explosive force. It may occur because of inadequate or improper ventilation procedures.
  20. Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion (BLEVE)
    Rapid vaporization of a liquid stored under pressure upon release to the atmosphere following major failure of its containing vessel. The failure of the containing vessel is the result of over-pressurization caused by an external heat source causing the vessel to explode into two or more pieces when the temperature of the liquid is well above its boiling point at normal atmospheric pressure.
  21. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
    Colorless, odorless, heavier than air gas that neither supports combustion nor burns. CO2 is used in portable fire extinguishers as an extinguishing agent to extinguish Class B or C fires by smothering or displacing the oxygen.
  22. Conduction
    Physical flow or transfer of heat energy from one body to another through direct contact or an intervening medium from the point where the heat is produced to another location or from a region of high temperature to a region of low temperature.
  23. Convection
    Transfer of heat by the movement of heated fluids or gases usually in an upward direction.
  24. Fire Tetrahedron
    Model of the four elements/conditions required to have a fire. The four sides of the tetrahedron represent fuel, heat, oxygen, and chemical chain reaction.
  25. Flammable Range
    The range between the upper flammable limit and lower flammable limit in which a substance can be ignited.
  26. Flash Point
    Minimum temperature at which a liquid gives off enough vapors to form an ignitable mixture with air near the liquid's surface.
  27. Flashover
    Stage of a fire at which all surfaces and objects within a space have been heated to their ignition temperature and flame breaks out almost at once over the surface of all objects in the space.
  28. Reducing Agent
    The fuel that is being oxidized or burned during combustion.
  29. Rollover
    Condition in which the unburned combustible gases released in a confined space (such as a room or aircraft cabin) during the incipient or early steady-state phase and accumulate at the ceiling level. These superheated gases are pushed, under pressure, away from the fire area and into uninvolved areas where they mix with oxygen. When their flammable range is reached and additional oxygen is supplied by opening doors and/or applying fog streams, they ignite and a fire front develops, expanding very rapidly in a rolling action across the ceiling.Click to flip
  30. Specific Gravity
    Weight of a substance compared to the weight of an equal volume of water at a given temperature. A specific gravity less than 1 indicates a substance lighter than water; a specific gravity greater than 1 indicates a substance heavier than water.
  31. Thermal Layering (of Gases)
    Outcome of combustion in a confined space in which gases tend to form into layers according to temperature, with the hottest gases are found at the ceiling and the coolest gases at floor level.
  32. Collapse Zone
    The area extending horizontally from the base of the wall to one and one-half times the height of the wall.
  33. Fire-Resistive Construction
    Another term for Type I construction; construction that maintains its structural integrity during a fire.
  34. Noncombustible Construction
    Another term for Type II construction; construction made of the same materials as fire-resistive construction except that the structural components lack the insulation or other protection of Type I construction.
  35. Ordinary Construction
    Another term for Type III construction; construction that requires that exterior walls and structural members be made of noncombustible or limited combustible materials.
  36. Wood-Frame Construction
    Another term for Type V construction; construction that has exterior walls, bearing walls, floors, roofs, and supports made completely or partially of wood or other approved materials of smaller dimensions than those used for heavy-timber construction.
  37. Balloon Frame
    A type of wood frame construction in which the studs in exterior walls extend from the basement or foundation to the roof.
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Final Exam Review
Final Exam Review