Midterm Prep

  1. A freed slave, was a leading abolitionist and activist for women's rights
    Frederick Douglass
  2. Enrolled four female students in 1837 in Ohio; a higher institution of learning
    Oberlin College
  3. American novelist who wrote the last of the Mohicans
    James Cooper
  4. Artist best known for his many works of George Washington
    Stewart Gilbert
  5. Secretary of the massachusetts board of Education and promoter of public education
    Horace Mann
  6. Created the famous character "Rip Van Winkle"
    Washington Irving
  7. Leader of the Transcendentalist movement and "fostered romantic thought in the U.S."
    Ralph Wldow Emerson
  8. Wrote the Scarlet Letter
    Nathaniel Hawthorne
  9. Famous for living at Walden pond where he illustrated his "experiment" in simple living
    Henry David Thoreau
  10. Insipired gnerations of later writers with his detective stories and horror tales
    Edgar Allen Poe
  11. Wrote Moby Dick
    Herman Melville
  12. Famous for his poem "paul revere's ride"
    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  13. Painted hundreds of pictures of Indians
    George Caitlin
  14. Magazine founded in Boston in 1857 by James Russel Lowell
    The Pioneer
  15. Harvard professor and author of the poem "old ironsides"
    Oliver Holmes
  16. Became president upon the death of William Henry Harrison
    John Tyler
  17. Two famous men who died fighting at the Alamo
    Davie Crockett and Jim Bowie
  18. Event which greatly increased the populeation of California
    Gold Rush
  19. "Dark Horse" candidate who defeated Henry Clay on his third try for he presidency
    James K. Polk
  20. Signed in 1842, it provided for join U.S. British Patrols to suppress the African Slave trade and settled the Canadian Border Dispute
    Webster-Asburton Treaty
  21. Term or Philosophy which described the motivation to westward expansion on the North American Continent. Devised by journalist John o' Sullivan
    Manifest Destiny
  22. 54 40' of Fight!" Refers to what future state in the west
  23. Led groups of american immigrants into Texas in the 1820's
    Steven Austin
  24. Leader of the forces who defeated the Mexicans at the Battle of San Jacinto, capturing Santa Ana
    Sam Houston
  25. Famous general in the war with mexico who later became president.
    Zachary Taylor
  26. As a result of this, the U.S. secured california, the New Mexico Territory, and regognition of the RIO Grande as the Texas bORDER.
    Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo
  27. An attempt to Ban slavery from any territory acquired from Mexico repeatedly failed to pass the Senate
    Wilmot Proviso
  28. Part of this was a new, stronger fugitive slave law. Again Henry Clay was instrumental.
    Compromise of 1850
  29. During the 1830s and 1840s, the economic differences between the rich and the poor
    Constituted a wide and growing gap especially in the larger easter cities
  30. Began as a wuaker offshoot under mother ann lee and were noted for their self-sufficient agricultural settlements who began to wither due to their practice of celibacy
  31. led the exodus of his religious group to the great salt lake in Utah
    Birgham Young
  32. the most signifigant development in urban population trens from 1820 to 1850 was the
    emergence of new towns
  33. group who waged a moral crusade against slavery
    Antebellum reformers
  34. the most effective preacher of the second great awakening was
    charles grandson finney
  35. group organized to combat the heavy consumption of alcohol in america
    american temperance union
  36. the coorganizer of the seneca falls convention and author of its declaration of sentiments was
    elizabeth cady stanton
  37. owner of the liberator
    william lloyd garrison
  38. worked to improve conditions of the mentally ill in massachusetts
    dorthea dix
  39. was a religious community in new york who practiced free love and supported their community by making such items as stell traps and silverware
    Oneida Community
  40. the famous book in which alecis de tocqueville analyzed american society was
    democracy in america
  41. middle class famalies in the 1830s had a
    declining birth rate
  42. the auburn society was a pioneering experiment in
    prison reform
  43. catholic immigrants for germany and ireland often
    objected to demands for prohivition of all alcohol
  44. the most influential black abolitionist was
    frederick douglass
  45. the greatest expression of Romanticism in the u.s. was through
  46. the pioneer in developing methods for educating deaf people who opened a school for deaf students in 1817 was
    Thomas gALLAUDET
  47. During the 1820s americans' per capita consumption of alcoholic beverages
    increased to the highest point ever in american experience
  48. both ralph waldo emerson and henry david thoreau
    objected to many of society's restrictions on the individual
  49. the american writer whose works are filled with ecamples of wild imagnination and fascination with myster, fright, and the occult was
    Edgar Allan Poe
  50. author of the essay "civil disobedience"
    henry david thoreau
  51. the first vice president of andrew jackson
    john c. calhoun
  52. the president chosen in 1824 by the house of representatives when no candidate received a majority of votes in the electoral college was
    john quincy adams
  53. propr to the democratizing of politics during the age of jackson, presidential candidates were usually chosen by a
    congressional caucus
  54. the senator who pushed for renewal of the second national bank of the u.s. charter in 1832 to provide himself a campaign issue against jackson
    henry clay
  55. the basic concept underlying the spoils system was that
    party workers must be rewarded with political office after a successful campaign
  56. replied that the union was "one and inseparable" and that nullification was treasonable when senator hayne of s. carolina defended state soverignty and the doctrine of nullification
    daniel webster
  57. one of the "fundamental tenets of jacksonian democracy" was that
    ordinary americans could do anything
  58. this was the result of the indian removal act of 1830 which provided for the resettlement of native american tribes to the west
    trail of tears
  59. jackson's advisors who did not hold regular cabinet appointments were called the
    kitchen cabinet
  60. the practice of appointing people to government jobs as a reward for party loyalty
    spoils system
  61. jackson's popularity and success were primarily the result of his
    personality and leadership
  62. presidential candidate and war hero whose campaign slogan was "tipecanoe and tyler, too"
    william henry harrison
  63. other than jackson's personal poularity, the main campaign issue in the presidential election of 1832 was
    The bank of the u.s.
  64. (a thing, not a person) declared the tariff law null and void and not binding on the people of s. carolina and prohibited federal officials from collection the duties in s. carolina and threatened to withdraw from the union if the gov't attempted to collect the duties by force
    oridance of nullification
  65. headed the second bank of the u.s. after 1823
    nicholas biddle
  66. the conflict between jackson and calhoun was sharpened by their strong diagreement over the
    peggy eaton controversy
  67. the native american nation forced to move from geogria as a result of jackson's policies were
  68. the new political coalition which emerged to challenge democratic control in the 1830s was called the
  69. hand picked successor of andrew jackson
    martin van buren
  70. the jacksonians who championed giving the small man his chance were the
  71. name given to state chartered banks which were created after the demise of the second bank of the u.s.. these banks also printed inflationary paper currency
    pet bank
  72. an underlying principle commonly agreed upon by jacksonians was
    suspicion of special privileges and large business corporations.
  73. one of the major reasons for american entry in the war of 1812
    american belief that the british were inspiring native american resistance to american expansion
  74. among the causes of the war of 1812 was the
    desire of westerners to expand into canada and florida
  75. the war hawks called for war against great britain because
    they wanted to defend the national honor and save the republic from british domination
  76. in the war of 1812 the most effective american action against british shipping was by
    privaterring merchantment
  77. the treaty of ghent ending the war of 1812
    simple reestablished the staus quo ante bellum
  78. the battle of new orlenas in 1815 resulted in the
    emergence of andrew jackson as a military hero
  79. as a result of the war of 1812 the federalists
    were destroyed as a political party
  80. the transcontinental treaty of 1819
    transferred florida to the u.s. for $5mil and settled the souther boundary of the lousiana territory to the pacific
  81. the monroe doctrine
    hoped to isolate the u.s. from involvement in european affairs
  82. the eara of good feelings was noted for the
    absence of organized political parties opposing eachother
  83. the group which consistently favored low prices and easy credit for western lands was
    western settlers
  84. the best known political leaders of the north in the early 1820s, who served brilliantly as monroes secretary of state was
    john quincy adams
  85. according to your text, the outstanding western leaders of the 1820s combining a charismatic personality with great skills at arranging political compromises was
    henry clay
  86. the essential question involved in the missouri compormise was: would missouri
    come into the union as a free state
  87. the president chosen in 1824 by the house of representatives when on candidate received a majority of votes I the electoral college was
    john quincy adams
  88. the tariff of 1828 was so high that in the south it was called the
    tariff of abominations
  89. the______ was an early nineteenth century development that constituted the combined solution to the problems of locating sufficient capital, transporting raw materials to factories and products to consumers, and supervising large numbers of workers
    market revolution
  90. the merchant who headed the boston associates, owners of the innovative waltham mills was
    francis cabot lowell
  91. most workers in the earliest textile factories were
    women and children
  92. in the 1830s and 1840s thousands of poor and wretched immigrants flooded into america from
    ireland and germany
  93. one consequence of american industrialization in the early 19th century was
    a decline in the need for foreign goods and thus in the business of merchants
  94. for a generation after 1815 the most epansive force in the american economy was
  95. the repulic of liberia in western africa
    was founded by the american colonization society as a place to ride the u.s. of blacks
  96. the shift to cotton production caused a
    demaned for more labor which was met by a renewed growth of slavery
  97. in the early 1790s and early 1800s private companies built roads called
  98. the greatest advantage which early canals offered was
    a direct link between western areas and the eastern seaboard
  99. immediately after the erie canal was completed, it
    was a financial success
  100. the supreme courts decision in dartmouth college v. woodward upheld the
    principle of the sanctity of contracts
  101. the supreme court upheld the consitutionality of the national bank of the u.s. and also strengthened the implied powers of congress and aided economic growth when it decided the case of
    mccoulloch v. maryland
  102. the cief contribution of jon marshall to economic development was his
    broadly national view of economic affairs
  103. the court case which established the principle of judicial review
    marbury v. madison
  104. the major achievement of jefferson's first term as president
    lousiana purchase
  105. the 12th amendment was put into effect because
    When John Adams was chosen for President in the 1796 election, the second-place candidate, Thomas Jefferson, became Vice President — but Adams was a Federalist and Jefferson was a Democratic-Republican. The two clashed several times during Adams's presidency, though Adams's conflicts with Hamilton, a Federalist, too, probably caused Adams more concern.In the election of 1800, the flaws of the original system became more than apparent. Jefferson and Aaron Burr both got 73 votes in the Electoral College, forcing the House of Representatives to choose. The problem? Both Jefferson and Burr were candidates of the same party, with Burr chosen to be the Vice President; some states preferred Burr, and neither was able to get the required majority until the stalemate was ultimately broken.The result was the 12th Amendment, approved in Congress on December 9, 1803, and ratified on June 15, 1804 (189 days), in time for the new process to be in place for the 1804 election. With the 12th, Electors are directed to vote for a President and for a Vice President rather than for two choices for President.
  106. led the slave revolt in haiti
    toussaint louverture
  107. killed alexander hamilton
    aaron burr
  108. explored the area of the lousiana purchase from 1804-1806
    lweis and clark expedition
  109. the major fedralist accomplishment was
    establishing a sound fiscal system
  110. thomas jefferson was an early defender of
    the french revolution
  111. chief justice of the supremem court during jefferson's presidency
    john marshall
  112. during his first term, jefferson fought a small naval war, attempting to resist the blackmail of the
    barbary pirates
  113. the leader who abandoned his plans for an empire in the new world and sold louisiana to the u.s. was
  114. "no seaman, seafaring, or other person shall, upon the high seas be demanded or taken out of any ship or vessel...." this was an american attempt to deal with the problem of
  115. under___, exports were totally prohibited and oly foreign vessels were allowed to import goods to america
    the embargo act
  116. painted the famous portrait of t.j. in 1800 when t.j. was twenty years old
    Rembrant Wilson Peale
  117. name of the unique snaping turtle creted by cartoonist alexander anderson
  118. british naval commander at thebattle of trafalgar
    horatio nelson
  119. virginia congressman who was the "most prominent of the republican critics of jerfferson"
    john randolf
  120. location of the barbury pirates
    north africa (e.g. moracco)
  121. jefferson's first vice president
    aaron burr
  122. location of new orleans
  123. how did the chinook indians aquire their name?
    their people formed infants face to have an excentuated nose and chin.
  124. name two of the authors of the federalist papers
    alexander hamilton and john jay
  125. economic doctrine that called for the mother country to dominate and regulate its colonies
  126. congreational minister of the 1740's who was a leading voice in the great awakening and who attacke ideas of easy salvation
    jonathan edwards
  127. was tried for seditious libel and was acquiteted. he had been jailed by the NY assempbly in 1735 after his newspaper had criticized the assmbly
    john peter zenger
  128. this revolt is often viewed as the first strike against insensitive british policy as a clash between east and west and as evidence of the dangers of the indentured servant system
    Bacon's rebellion?
  129. autocratic and unpopular governor of the dominion of new england
    edmond andros
  130. written agreement in 1620 to create a body politic among the male settlers in plymouth and was the forerunner to charters and constitutions that were eventually adopted in all the colonies
    mayflower compact
  131. series of english laws to enforece the mercantile system and to control colonial trade and to restrict colonial manufacturing
    navigation acts
  132. policy that the british followed from 1607 to 1763 by which they interfered very little with the colonies. during this time the colonies thrived and prospered.
    salutary neglect
  133. the flight of the puritans to the new world between 1629 and 1640
    great migration
  134. document that was read to the natives in spanish colonies, which required them to recognize the soverieignty of the spanish monarch
  135. a tax which provided a way for the proprietors to derive incomes from their colonies
  136. puritan response to the dilemma of what to do with the children born to non church members as fewer and fewer puritans sough full membership or visible sainthood in the church
    halfway covenant
  137. called for puritans to create "a city upon a hill" and guided the massachusetts bay colony through many crises
    john winthrop
  138. this american victory convinced the french to ally with the colonies and assured the ultimate success of american independednce
    battle of saratoga
  139. an early advocate of independence who was a strong oponent of the Stamp Act and great defender of individual rights and who declared "give me liberty or give me death"
    patrick henry
  140. america's leading diplomat of the time who served as a statesman and advisor through the revolutionary era and helped to negotiate the treaty of paris in 1783
    benjamin franklin
  141. british actions to punish massachusetts for the boston tea party which included closing the port of boston and quartering british soldiers in private dwellings
    coercive acts
  142. conservative leader who wrote "letters from a farmer in pennsylvania" and helped to write the articles of confederation
    john dickinson
  143. street gangs that formed ruing the stamp act crisis to enforce the boycotts and to present the distribution and sale of the tax stamps
    sons of liberty
  144. englih philosopher who wrote that governments have a duty to protect people's life, liberty and property
    john locke
  145. agitator and leader of the sons of liberty who supported independence as soon as the british veered from salutary neglect and a primary leader of the boston tea party
  146. idea offered by britain to colonists' demands for representation in parliament and to establish lawful authority to tex them
    virtual representation
  147. author of common sense
    thomas paine
  148. leading author of the declaration of independence
    thomas jefferson
  149. last battle of the american revolution
    Battle of Yorktown
  150. first secretary of treasury
    alexander hamilton
  151. an uprising in western massachusetts that closed the courts and threatened revolution in that state
    Shay's Rebellion
  152. broke the impasse at the constiutional convention over congressional representation
    The Great Compromise
  153. series of acts designed ot give the president power to deport "dangerous aliens, lengthen the residency requirement for citizensip, and restrict freedoms of speech and press"
    alien and sedition acts
  154. agreement that provided england would evacuate a series of forts in U.S. territory along the great lakes
    jay's treaty
  155. favored a one-house of congress with equal representtion for each state
    New Jersey Plan
  156. first secretary of war
  157. uprising in western pennsylvania in 1794 over an excise tax which the farmers saw as an unjust and illegal levy
    Whiskey Rebellion
  158. reaction to the alien and sedition acts by ames madison and thomas jefferson
    kentucky and virginia resolves
  159. led to the creation of a u.s. navy
    XYZ Affair
  160. an imaginary line which colonial settler were not to cross after the french and indian war
    Proclamation of 1763
  161. john adams defended british soldiers who were involved in this confrontation prior to the american revolution
    boston massacre
  162. what statement about shay's rebellion is true?
    many leaders, such as washington, concluded that the central government must be strengthened
  163. after the revolution the american balance of exports and imports became
    very unfaorable as british merchants poured low priced naufactured goods into america
  164. which of the following is not a legacy of the articles of confederation
    establishmetn of the reservation system for native americans
  165. the principle of the 3/5 compromise was that
    3/5ths of the slaves would be counted in determining each state's representation and share of direct federal taxes
  166. federalist james madison urged ratification of the consititution because a
    large country was more conducive to a republican form of government
  167. which statement concerning the virginia plan is not correct?
    it was a unicameral body
  168. in the opinion of your textbook, most american citizens in the 1780s gave their first loyalty to
    their own states
  169. george washington's cabinet was chosen
    without regard to political affiliation or personal agreement with him
  170. the northwest ordinance of 1787 was responsible for
    establishing the procedure for creating new states
  171. which power was not vested within the articles of confederation
    regulating trade
  172. the nation which was caused a major problem for the new government of the articles of confederation when it closed the lower mississippi river to american commerce was
  173. in may 1775 shortly after it convened the second continental congress
    formed the continental army under the leadership of george washington
  174. the major british defeat of 1777 at ____ was caused by the extremely poor coordination of the campaign
  175. the u.s. received very favorable terms in the peace of paris (1783) because the
    american comissioners skillfully played rival european powers against each other
  176. the most significant change in the new states governments was the
    removal of outside control, making them more responsive to public opinion
  177. a major source of the new feeling of nationalism after the revolutionary war was the
    common sacrifice by soldires and civilians during the war
  178. the law which divided the western territories into 6 mile square townships was
    land ordinance of 1785
  179. the driving force of the colonial new england economy became
    maritime trade and those who engadged in it
  180. the american gov't raised over 200 million dollars and much of the cost of the revolutionary war was by
    printing money
  181. g.w.'s greatest strength as a national hero was his
    personal sacrifices and his obvious disclination toward becoming a dicatator
  182. according to your text, the most significant outcome of the first continental congress in the fall of 1774 was the
    realization that drastic changes must be made in their relationship with england
  183. the union of american states under the articles of confederation was a
    league of friendship, in which the states were sovereign and the national government had only weak delegated powers
  184. in the new state governments created during the revolution power was concetrated in the
    committees of safety
  185. the american understanding of the word "consitution" emphasized the
    specific written document spelling out and limiting the powers of government
  186. one reason that american protests against the stamp act were vehement was that it
    taxed influential and articulate groups such as lawyers and clergy
  187. the most significant aspect of the coercive acts was that they
    indicated a change in british policy from persuasion to punishment
  188. on the same day it repealed the stamp act parliament passed the ____act stating that the colonies were "subordinate" it its wishes
    Declatory Act
  189. illegal, often violent resistence by the sons of liberty to the ____ may be seen as marking the start of the revoultion
    stamp act
  190. under the treat of paris (1763) ending the french and indian war
    france lost all her possessions on the mainland of n. america
  191. the greatest source of trouble between the french in canada and the british in new england was the
    control of the fur trade
  192. the british government of the american colonies
    never developed an effective, centralized government
  193. the american crop which was easily cultivated, had a high yield per acre and could be used as food for both humans and livestock was
  194. a basic characteristic of the colonial family, especially in new england, was
    a family group which was both nuclear and patriarchal
  195. write the first part of the declaration of independence
    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
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Midterm Prep