_______ is a sense organ which is present in all vertebrates.
Inner ear
What is a neuromast system?
It is a membranous labyrinth located in otic capsule (skeletal labyrinth) surrounded by fluid filled perilympatic space.
Labyrinths are filled with __________.
Perilymphatic space is filled with _________.
What are the functions of the Inner ear?
Lower verebrates have three _________, two ________, and the ________.
- Semicircular ducts
- Membranous sacs
- Lagena
_________ becomes the cochlear duct in some reptiles, birds, and mammals.
Sensory neuromast sites are located in __________ of the __________, ____________, and ____________.
- Squamous epithelium
- Sacculus
- Utriculus
- Lagena/ cochlea
What are maculae?
They are patches of hair found around neuromast sites.
What is a Crista?
And enlarged neutomast.
Where do crista occur?
These occur in swelling (ampulla) located at one end of each emicircular duct.
What is the term for basilar papilla?
What is the term for the tectorial membrane?
Portions of the ________ and ________ become receptors for sound.
The lagena elongates to form the __________.
Cochlear duct
The basilar pappila forms the _______.
Organ of corti
The sacculus and the lagena associated with perilymphatic spaces coil to form the _________ in mammals.
The Cochlea is a spiral that has ____ to _____ turns.