Memory Items

  1. Fire or Smoke
    • Oxygen Masks and Goggles........DON, SELECT 100%
    • Recirculation and Gasper Fans............................OFF
    • Crew Communication.............................ESTABLISH
    • QRC
  2. Propeller Overspeed
    • Power Lever...................CONFIRM, FLIGHT IDLE
    • Condition Lever.................CONFIRM, FEATHER
    • Airspeed....................REDUCE BELOW 200 KIAS
    • Flaps....................................................................15
    • Airspeed....................................125KIAS MINIMUM
    • QRC
  3. Inadvertent Propeller Feathering
    • Power Lever..............................CONFIRM, FLIGHT IDLE
    • QRC
  4. Rapid Depressurization
    • Oxygen masks.......................................................DON
    • Crew communication.................................ESTABLISH
    • QRC
  5. Electric Trim Runaway
    • Elevator trim wheel..............................................HOLD
    • AP/ trim disconnect switch................PRESS and HOLD
    • Autopilot transfer switch.....................................PRESS
    • QRC
  6. Jammed Aileron or Elevator
    • Yoke...................................................................HOLD
    • Autopilot................................................DISENGAGE
    • Aileron or Elevator disconnect........SQUEEZE and PULL
    • QRC
  7. No Auto Feather
    To be used only when an engine fails during takeoff without autofeather:

    • Power Lever.............................CONFIRM, FLT IDLE
    • Condition Lever.........................CONFIRM, FEATHER
    • ELEC FEATHER Switch.......................CONFIRM, ON. 
    •                                                      CHECK PROPELLER
    •                                                            FEATHERING
    • QRC
  8. Ignition Light on After 50% Nh
    • Condition lever (on ground)..................FUEL CUTOFF
    • Start switch.....................................................ABORT

  9. Which Checklists Have Memory Items?

    • N- No Auto Feather
    • I- Inadvertent Propeller Feathering
    • I- Ignition Light On After 50%Nh
    • P- Propeller Overspeed
    • E- Electric Trim Runaway
    • R- Rapid Depresurization
    • J- Jammed Aileron or Elevator
    • F- Fire or Smoke
  10. Which Checklists DONT Have Memory Items?

    • W- Windshield Overheat
    • E- Engine Fire or Failure Inflight
    • B- Baggage Compartment Fire or Smoke
    • E- Engine fire on the Ground
    • B- Battery Overheat
    • E- Emergency Descent
    • A- APU Fire
    • E- Evacuation
  11. Inflight QRC Crew Coordination
    • Memory Items: 
    • PF calls for memory items and the PNF performs them.

    Then the PF calls for the QRC checklist and the PNF reads the checklist and performs remaining items.

    • QRC only:
    • The PF will for the QRC and the PNF will read and perform the items.
  12. Ground QRC Crew Coordination
    Stop aircraft and set parking brake.

    • Memory Items:
    • CA calls for memory items and FO performs them.

    Once complete the CA calls for the QRC and the FO reads and CA performs items.

    • QRC Only:
    • CA calls for the QRC and the FO reads and the CA performs items.
Card Set
Memory Items
Memory Items